Donald Sterling Defending Himself from the racist comments

donald-sterling-magic-johnsondonald-sterling-magic-johnsonMonday night this week was the time Donald Sterling, the owner of Los Angeles Clippers, broke his silence on the comments he made criticizing Magic Johnson. The interview at his home looked like a quick response to another leaked tape where Sterling explains that the racist comments he made were meant to entice his girlfriend into having sex with him. He claims he was set up into making racist comments that led to him being fined $2.5-million and banned from professional basketball for life. He could even be forced to sell the team. His only hopes are that, other NBA team owners will not vote against him in majority.

His Monday’s interview came two weeks after the tape of him telling a lady friend not to appear in public in company of black people such as Magic Johnson. The tape brought about many responses including from Johnson himself, who insisted that Sterling could not continue being the owner of Clippers.

Anyway, during Monday’s interview, Donald apologized for the comment he made. However, Sterling also insisted on being set up to make such comments by his ex-girlfriend. He claims his ex-girlfriend recorder their conversation secretly with a motive of baiting him. Sterling said that he never speaks as portrayed in the tape. He even goes further surprised as he thought their relationship was genuine despite the big age gap. Donald made it clear his lack of trust for his ex-girlfriend and wished to have a one-on-one conversation with her. Donald could also not accept the rumors of him being taped for almost two years by the girlfriend. He even thinks he was just on a ride in the 2-year relationship. With these two points of view, you can be rational on the trending topic on how Donald Sterling digs himself deeper with another racist remark about Magic Johnson.

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