Categories: Social MediaTwitter

Google Agrees To Show Real Time Tweets from Twitter in Google Search

Twitter has struck a deal with Google after which, Google will have the access to Twitter stream. This would mean that all the tweets and news feed streams from Twitter will be available in the Google search results. Analysts are hopeful that this move will increase the traffic on Twitter, which is struggling with its product curve and user growth lately.

Twitter has currently 284 million users. Recently, a senior Twitter executive freaked out in an interview when he was told that Instagram users have crossed Twitter users. Also, there are many reports that surfaced claiming that a huge chunk of Twitter users are not active; meaning that either they didn’t come after the first tweet or they just made their account on Twitter. Twitter is also used by thousands of small businesses, which are using bots to increase their traffic from social media.

A similar deal was stuck between Google and Twitter back in 2009 but couldn’t last longer due to multiple issues. The problem was a disagreement on how Google will access and show Twitter data. Meanwhile, Google launched its own social media platform and tried to push back Twitter and other rivals in traffic. It is also important to note that after 2009, Twitter didn’t report any increase in traffic; an indicator that real time tweets might not work perfectly for the social media giant.

Twitter has also signed a deal with Yahoo and Flipboard regarding social media ads. Twitter is being lashed out by investors on its slow user growth and mismanagement of affairs at the highest levels in the company. A few renowned investors also demanded resignation from Twitter’s CEO Dick Costolo.

Twitter is set to report its fourth quarter earnings very soon.



Published by
Fahad Saleem