Categories: Social MediaTwitter

Twitter Removes 140 Characters Limit on Direct Messages

Twitter has finally started rolling out some pleasant changes after the resignation of Dick Costolo. The company has announced that its users will be able to send DM (direct messages) without any character limit (the new limit is 10,000 characters, which practically makes it no limit). Previously, Twitter DM was a big nuisance, having 140 characters limit. This made chatting, interaction, communication of data and information extremely difficult.

The new change will take effect from July. Twitter has no plans to change the character limit for its Tweets, and I think it’s better this way. A direct message is something where you need to explain, elaborate things in detail to your friends, family, followers, businesses. This was a much-needed change. Let’s see how Twitter takes on with the future road map after getting its new CEO.

Published by
Fahad Saleem
Tags: tweets