The Best Social Media Tips For Lawyers

The fact that some businesses do not have a social media presence to this day is still amazing. Even those in professions like lawyers need to have this presence as it is slowing becoming a great way to market. By not having any form of social media these lawyers are limiting the reach of their marketing as many in the younger generation are available via social media. The following are some great tips for lawyers so they don’t fall behind the competition when it comes to social media marketing.

Know Which Medium To Use

The odds are that a potential client will not be looking through the pages of Pinterest and think that they would want to hire an attorney based on a recipe they shared. Knowing which social media platform will work best for a lawyer is quite simple. Twitter and Facebook are great as lawyers can get involved in legal conversations. Even appointments can be set up this way if someone is asking for help in a specific way. Leads are great things that come out of having a social media presence.

Start With The Basics

Do not try to branch out to too many platforms but stick with the ones that can have an immediate impact. Any lawyer review sites or Yelp type pages should be monitored and one can even ask a client to put an honest review. Responding to the negative reviews if any is extremely important as it can regain a client and show that your firm cares about each client individually.

Engage With People

Whether it is commenting on a news story that has legal implications or just by responding to a tweet, it helps humanize you and your firm. Not only share things that you have to say but also share things that you or potential clients would find of interest. Gaining a following can establish you as a thought leader in your area or areas of law. Everyone wants a knowledgeable lawyer and being able to express thoughts on a variety of topics can intrigue those looking for a competent lawyer.

Don’t Oversell

A pet peeve of many is following a social media account that is predominantly used for advertising can bring out a bad brand image. It seems desperate to many as other lawyers in your industry are just joining the conversation and contributing good content while you keep telling everyone how great your firm is. Overselling on any type of social media platform can do more harm than good for your firm.

Keep A Consistent Blog

No follower wants to only see a user retweeting things but actually coming out with their own content. Facebook and Twitter are great places to share blog content from your website. This is great in the fact that many people will give you a brutal review of your content which can be used to make the content something clients and website visitors want to read. Whether you are a DUI lawyer or a divorce lawyer, having a blog that clients and others can use as a resource can help gain clients by just producing an article that took an hour or two.

Having social media is advantageous but making sure not to make some mistakes is important. Many firms hire a company or individual to take care of their social media as the lawyer does not have the time. These companies are not all created equal so choose carefully. A social media intern is always a good way to test out people.

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