Wrong Move!: 5 Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make with Your CRM Strategy

CRM implementation can be very effective for your business — except when you make these 5 mistakes. Read this before planning out your CRM strategy.

One of the most important parts of business strategy is customer service.

Making sure your customers are happy and taken care of is essential. If you are unsure how CRM strategy can help your business and what kind of things to watch out for when implementing this strategy, keep reading.

1. Ignoring Social Media’s Impact

When focusing on customer relationships it’s important to remember that many of your users are relying on social media.

It is estimated close to 200 million American’s use social media in their everyday lives. Ignoring that huge proportion of the population would be completely detrimental to your CRM project.

Making sure to engage your customer base over Facebook, Twitter or Instagram can give you a one-on-one interaction with your customers.

2. Being Too Ambitious

When it comes to choosing the right CRM methods for your business, it’s important to remember to not do too much in the beginning. You don’t want to overwhelm your team or your customers.

Having a well organized, multi-step plan, will keep you from getting swamped in data and keep your customers coming back.

3. CRM Strategy That Won’t Grow

One of the biggest failures of a bad CRM project is a strategy that won’t take into consideration the future of the business.

In this day and age, with e-commerce constantly changing and more and more people spending time online, it’s important to have a flexible plan that will be able to improve as your company grows. As a company grows it’s important to keep an eye on all data and try and find a CRM strategy that will grow with you.

4. Not Having a Designated Project Manager

When working on your CRM it’s important to always have a head of your project that your staff can go to when issues arise.

One of the biggest failures of a bad CRM strategy is having a disorganized project team. Project managers are put in place to control your work. If something happens, they will be able to designate ways to fix any issues that arise.

This person will be in charge of every step. If a new site is introduced, they will have a way to implement it. If you’re hoping to have a strategy that’s easy to use, provide multiple versions that can be improved on by your customers.

It’s also important that your team is trained. Make sure they know how each part of your strategy will work.

5. Failing to Keep the Customer in Mind

If your system is too flashy and over the top to be used then you will have failed your customer base.

Making sure you know your customer and know what they need will keep them happy. Customer resource management relies on keeping your customers happy.

So don’t let them down by having a system they can’t even use. After all the CRM definition, at its very core, is customer service.

What’s Next?

Now you know the basics about CRM strategy. It’s time to implement!

This will help you improve some of your online business presence. If you would like to learn more about SEO strategies or how to use social media to promote your business, visit more of our blog.

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