Increasing Your Social Media Shares

Perhaps technology’s greatest gift to marketers in the 21st century, social media can put you in front of a highly specific audience at minimal investment—with engagement virtually guaranteed.


For anyone considering how to sell ebooks online, or any other product for that matter, a social presence should definitely be part of your approach. However, far from being a “build it and they will come” proposition, a plan for increasing your social media shares must also be part of your strategy.


Here are some thoughts in that regard.


Content, Content and Content

Just as the old axiom dictates location, location and location as being key to the value of a real estate investment, the tone and caliber of your content plays a significant role is earning social media shares. With hundreds of millions of posts added to social media outlets daily, competition is fierce.


If you want to stand out, you’re going to have to work to appeal to a specific segment of the market and you’re going to have to do so in a way they find relevant and engaging. Some studies have found longer-form content is shared more frequently; suggesting posts in the area of 1,500 words do better—when they’re interesting and well written.


Remember to keep your posts more service-oriented than sales-oriented. The 80/20 rule should guide your activities in this regard. When 80 percent of your posts deliver value for readers and 20 percent sell your goods you’ll be seen more as someone interested in serving the community.  


Pictures Attract Attention

Human beings rely upon vision more than all other species. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to learn an intriguing image accompanying a social media post will get it shared more often. Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat actually rely upon images.


If you’re wondering what to post, pictures of people enjoying your products always do well, as they enable people to envision themselves having fun on your jet skis or in your sunglasses. Just make sure the image and the copy complement one another.


Within that, you must also format your pictures to look good on the site. Snapchat likes portrait-oriented shots (verticals), while Instagram likes square pictures better. Don’t be afraid to play around with filters either, particularly if that’s what your audience is accustomed to seeing.


Remember, your primary aim is to get your ideal customer to engage.


Humor and Personality Enhance Relevance

What sort of humor does your target demographic find appealing? This is an important question to answer before you post jokes on social media.


You’re trying to incite shares among people who are most likely to buy your goods. This means you have to get to know them so you can craft content they will find funny—and infuse it with a personality to which they can relate.


Additionally, you have to ensure readers are laughing with you—rather than at you. Avoid humor that could be considered demeaning or offensive.


If you nail these, you will add value to the lives of your targeted audience.


Incite Controversy

One of the engines driving social media is the means it provides for people to interact with one another. Users can now express their views more widely than at any other time in human history. With that said, if you really want to stand out, post controversial topics—being careful to avoid alienating your core audience—that will get people talking.


As an example, if you’re selling ebooks online, you can excerpt the juiciest part of one of your books, or share a previously unknown detail about the life of one of your authors. This will set people to talking and sharing across outside of your immediate network.


Ask People to Share It

Yes, this one seems obvious on its face, but you’d be surprised how many posts fail to include this simple request: “Please like, share, or add a comment.”


Every post on Twitter should end with a call to action to “Retweet,” or “RT” for short. According to ecommerce platform provider Shopify, adding social media share buttons to your blog posts helps tremendously in this regard as well.


These tips for increasing your social media shares will help you distribute your message more broadly, as well as attract attention you might otherwise have missed. Do you have more ideas about how to increase social media engagement? Share them with us in the comments below!

Published by
Tommy Wyher