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10 Types of Content to Win Friends and Influence People

Although some small businesses and bloggers tend to think that it’s enough to put out any kind of internet content, regardless of quality–well, it’s not.

When it comes to your company’s internet presence, it’s crucial to post consistently high-quality content. It’s important to plan, to execute thoughtfully, and (perhaps above all) to put out a wide variety of content.

Few things grow boring more quickly than logging on, day after day, to find that your little cousin has posted the same duck-faced-selfie once again. Wouldn’t it be nice to see her post a blog or a podcast link instead?!

In this situation, think of your small business as everyone’s little cousin. You want to surprise, impress, and interest your followers. But how?

It’s simple: By posting a wide variety of high-quality content. For our top 10 types of content to help you gain and interest followers–read on!

1. Infographics

The digital age is all about 1 thing: visuals.

So it makes total sense that the star of this whole show should be…well…visuals! An infographic is a visual representation of data. They’re often stylized and visually compelling, and they can be a major tool for your blog or social media presence as you work to spice things up!

It doesn’t matter if your info has to do with dogs, politics, or bad credit loans–got some data to share as a status with your followers? Spin that content around and deliver it as an infographic instead. You’ll be glad you did!

2. Videos

Speaking of “visuals,” we can’t underestimate the power of one of our very favorite forms of visual; the video.

If photos can stop people from scrolling mindlessly, make them do a double-take and pay attention, imagine all the power a video can hold! You can use audio and visuals alike to create content your followers couldn’t dream of ignoring!

Be careful not to overuse this tool. Your followers should be uniquely intrigued and surprised each time they see you’ve posted a new video.

3. Memes

If you’ve heard the phrase “meme culture” in the past couple of years, that’s because it’s a real and powerful thing. Across the internet, there are communities of people whose humor is based largely on these deeply-nuanced little pictures.

Your content, if done carefully, can take full advantage of meme culture. Posting a meme reference or including a meme along with other content can catch followers’ eyes, as well as help them feel connected to you.

Use this tool sparingly, however, and be sure you’re not pandering. Memes are powerful, but they can also go terribly wrong!

4. Ebooks

If you’ve been feeling as though you’re failing to deliver as much useful information to your followers as you’d like, it may be a good idea to spruce up your content with an ebook or extended electronic brochure.

Ebooks can be harder to produce than other content, simply because they require longer, more extended writing than most blogs or social media posts. If you have access to a relevant ebook, however, and can grant followers that same access, some followers may respond positively to this.

Do your research to find out whether ebooks may be a good avenue for content for you.

5. Opinion Columns

We’ve covered our bases with informative and entertaining content–but what about opinion-based things? Whether written as guest posts or local content, opinion columns can be a great way to switch things up.

Remember, the opinions at hand don’t need to be anything major or controversial. They may be as simple as an opinion focused on an upcoming product launch or event.

Keep it simple and universal with this tool–but remember, opinion content can help your readers connect with your brand more deeply overall.

6. Reviews

Every company puts out promotional content about their own products and services. A great way to liven up your range of content, however, is to put out a transparent review of your own stuff.

Whether it’s noting struggles your team had behind-the-scenes of launching a new product, unintended benefits of a service, slight drawbacks that your team plans to fix, reviewing your own services–or having a guest post focused on this–can be an awesome way to build trust with clients.

Post honest, impartial reviews. Feel free to be candid and even humorous in these; the more human, the better.

7. Client Testimonies

Few tools help to gain the trust and interest of new clients better than testimonies from previous or current clients. Word-of-mouth plays a powerful role in branding and in the building of trust between customers and your brand.

Consider highlighting a couple of different client testimonies by featuring them on social media channels, or as the subjects of blog posts. Choose some glowing testimonies, as well as some that note slight negative experiences, but also your team’s willingness and effectiveness in righting the matter.

Testimonies are a powerful tool that’ll help you win trust time and again. Be sure to take advantage of this fact!

8. Podcasts

One of the greatest up-and-coming modes of entertainment these days is none other than the podcast. Adnan Syed, anyone?!

But no one in your company needs to have been accused of murder to make for a great podcast promoting your company and its industry. Your followers are busy people. If you can offer them information, entertainment, and branding that they can take on their way to work–well, you’re going above and beyond!

Make sure your podcast has a purpose and a schedule. Then get started promoting your new super-accessible content!

9. Event Blogs

If your company is one that hosts a lot of events or special services, you may feel as though you’re not doing enough to cover these efforts. The good news, though, is that your company’s blog posts don’t all need to be extremely data-driven or entertaining.

Consider launching a series of event blogs, where you post photographs and event coverage. Use this as a platform for promoting future events, and for pushing your services.

Event blogs can be short, digestible pieces that help followers learn more about your company and its values.

10. Listicles

And finally, the holy grail of internet content: The Listicle. If you’re not familiar with the term, take a look at this very article!

Although all the information in this piece is aimed at providing information on 1 subject, we’ve broken things down into numbered headings. This makes the info concise, easy-to-read and organized logically.

For most any topic out there, there’s a listicle format that’ll make the subject blossom into a well-developed blog. Unlike traditional blocks of text, numbered headings with short paragraphs are welcoming and appealing!

Need More Types of Content?

While we’ve been busy drawing up this listicle detailing our top 10 types of content to help you win followers and influence clients, the internet was busy coming up with still further types of content you could post! Experimenting with different sorts is important and beneficial, and exploring further content-types can play a major role in your online success.

For more types of content that’ll engage your followers, check out our page!

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Tags: internet