Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: How to Make Them Work Together

The average American spends about an hour on Facebook each day, and it’s safe to say an ample amount of time is spent on Google search engines as well. Which is why it’s no surprise that so many businesses are looking into Facebook ads vs google ads for their marketing efforts.

While both are highly effective, there are some major differences that set to the two advertising methods apart. Here is our rundown on facebook ads vs. google ads, and what you should know about each of them. 

What are Facebook Ads

Chances are you’ve seen a Facebook ad appear on your Facebook newsfeed. The most recognizable form of facebooks ads is center stage, typically in the form of a photo or video with content pushing you towards a link or call to action.

There are other forms of Facebook ads you may have seen, however, they may not have been as noticeable. This includes promoted posts or smaller ads that appear on the right side panel of your feed. These ads are also mobile friendly and can be shared on your own profile.

What are Google Ads

Google ads are also a common form of advertising, however, they may be slightly more subtle and effective. Google ads, also known as “Google Adwords” link an ad to your business with specific keywords. These keywords are used both in searches and on other sites that have agreed to show Google ads. Why the name change? Check out this relevant article on the new Google ads brand. 

The effectiveness of these ads typically depends on how competitive the keywords are. The ads also follow a “cost-per-click” model in which you only pay for the amount of traffic the ad gathers.

Who are they Ideal For

There’s a wide range of business and industry types that can benefit for both Facebook ads and Google ads. While Google ads are more focused on driving traffic to a specific website, Facebook ads tend to be more informative and can be targeted more towards a specific product.

While both are ideal methods for increasing exposure and brand recognition, your best bet is to use the strengths of each to create a full ad campaign. For example, you may use Facebook ads to upload a video selling a new course or product and google ads to point searches for similar courses directly to your site.

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Pricing

Facebook ads and Google ads are beneficial for any business size, as you can set an ad budget according to your own financial situation. While the average monthly spend on both is roughly the same (about $300 USD), the way these costs break down is different.

Facebook ads charges you for the duration of time that the ad runs, the longer you run the more you spend. However, it also takes visibility and outreach into account when calculating it’s pricing. Google ads, on the other hand, charges you based on the strength of the keywords and the number of clicks the ad receives.

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Targeting

Targeting is one area where these two advertising methods really stand on their own. When it comes to Google Ads it’s really on you to research which keywords have the strongest correlation to your audience. If you’re targeting a very specific niche, it should be easier to figure out which keywords are unique to that demographic.

Facebook, however, has slightly more options when it comes to targeting. In the “audience” section f your ad you can choose from a wide range of demographic areas including age, marital status, gender, location, and interests. This can be particularly helpful if your business is based in a specific city or town.

Pro’s and Cons

As with all advertising methods, both facebook and google ads come with their own set of pros and cons.

Google Ads-

  • You can start receiving clicks to your ad instantly.
  • Ad campaigns are generally quick and easy to set up.
  • Enhanced exposure.
  • Great metrics and reports on your ads performance
  • Suitable for really any sized budget.


  • You’ll have to pay for each click, even if the click doesn’t turn into a sale.
  • Competing sites may be using a higher click budget
  • Once your budget is done, your ad immediately turns off.
  • You have to be certain you’re using the right keywords

Facebook Ads-

  • Budgets and “boosts” start as low as $5
  • Ads are easy to create and edit
  • Enhanced targeting options
  • Ample date on the ads performance


  • No guarantee that your ads will actually persuade viewers to click
  • You are charged whether or not the ad is successful
  • Without a strong follow-up action, the ad may not result in strong leads

How to Make Them Work Together

While they have their differences, using both Google ads and Facebook ads together can be a real game changer. The biggest factor in the success behind both of these ads is demographic research. The more you know about your audience (who they are, what they’re interested in, what they spend their time doing) the better you can target your ads.

Since Google ads are relatively short, use them to create a “straight to the point” call to action, while your Facebook ad will give you more room to sell. Offering a free content grab on your Facebook ad is also a successful method to utilize.

How to Get Started

To get started on creating your ads, there are some steps you’ll want to take beforehand.

For Your Facebook Ad: Have a defined budget in mind before getting started. Make sure you have all photos, videos, and copy for your ad ready to go. If you are taking a “funnel” approach to your Facebook ads make sure your landing pages are set up and any integrations are activated. Finally, make sure you’ve done adequate research on your target demographic.

For Your Google Ad: Thoroughly inspect your landing page and make sure any edits that need to made are complete. We suggest putting your landing page in front of a few people for feedback. For a successful google ad the individual has to have a desire to stay on your page. Do some deep research (or hire someone else to) on the most relevant keywords for your demographic.

The Learning Curve

Remember, when it comes to Facebook ads vs google ads you’ll find a learning curve with both. The best thing you can do is read up on these and other popular marketing methods to master them as quickly as possible.

Read our articles on business and marketing for more info and inspiration for your next ad. 

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Tags: Google