
Earning Repeat Sales from Seasonal Ecommerce Customers

Most ecommerce stores experience a boon during the holidays, or they have at least one season that’s way busier than others. However, whenever you have sales peaks, you can expect valleys eventually.


For every “on” season there’s an “off” season.


So, how do you earn repeat sales from seasonal ecommerce customers?


The good news is, these people felt good enough about your store to make a purchase in the past, so they’re more likely than the average shopper to do so again in the future.


Here are some strategies.


Connect with Past Customers via Email

It’s safe to assume most online users today are very busy. Shoppers who had a positive experience with your store may have simply forgotten about it. Email marketing is a cost-effective way to remind them your store exists—and has something to offer them.


Personalized emails tend to hit home for customers as opposed to generic messages. Try segmenting customers by demographics and past purchases as well as the last time they took an action on your site. Send a “[Name], We’ve Missed You… “ email to reconnect with people who haven’t browsed your site or bought from you recently.


Provide Fast/Memorable Service

Email marketing and other tactics are meant to drive traffic to your website. But earning repeat sales depends on having an appealing, functional website ready for shoppers when they arrive.


Hint: People expect increasingly convenient, branded online shopping experiences.


Your online store will earn sales if buyers are able to find what they want quickly and get assistance when they need it. Plus, people will only hand over their financial information if they trust your website, so professional appearance and logical functionality play big roles in your conversion rates.


Happily, free ecommerce website templates from platforms like Shopify automatically prioritize the user experience—meaning all you have to do is customize your favorite theme to your branding specifications. When people come back to buy, they can navigate your store easily, search for products, reach customer service and absorb your brand values right off the bat.


Ramp Up Content Marketing Efforts

Attracting customers back to your store during off seasons also requires a dash of creativity. If there’s no seasonal reason to buy, you’ll have to come up with another one. The good news is helpful content is always in season.


Such content marketing works well in conjunction with social media and email too.


Keep in mind content is about more than promoting your brand; it’s about providing genuine value for online users. Writing and video are two powerful media for accomplishing this. Even better, some formats, like how-to guides, can combine them.


Here’s an example: Your brand sells kitchen accessories, including cooking and bakeware. Since your sales slump in the summer, you write up a handy online recipe book based on seasonal produce and summer holidays. Then you circulate it for the low price of just an email address. People download it and see your products in action, of course. They also walk away happy they’ve added recipes to their repertoire without having to seek them out.


Hold a Contest During Your Off Season

Contests tend to be a hit, no matter the time of year. Just make sure you choose a prize that motivates people to participate. Then decide your terms—like asking people to share a social media post, tag three friends, enter their email address on your site or etc. This tactic can drum up excitement in what would otherwise be a slow season for sales.


Earning repeat sales from seasonal ecommerce customers is about two things: attracting their attention with marketing and facilitating a great customer journey when they return to your website.

Published by
Tommy Wyher