
Aubrey Huff Excluded from Reunion – Reason was unacceptable tweet

Today we were shocked by the news surrounding the San Francisco Giants reunion since it seems that one of the leaders, Aubrey Huff, of that generation will not be invited.

The team’s former first baseman, Aubrey Huff, has had an unbelievable season that year by leading his team in home runs and RBI and playing a crucial role in winning the title.

Later on that year, he was voted 7th in the MVP list for that season in the National League.

No matter how much he contributed to Giants winning the Championship, the team manager stated that with all the necessary gratitude to Aubrey, the team stands by its decision to not invite him to the reunion.

Why was Aubrey Huff not invited to the Reunion?

The reason for Aubrey Huff’s absence from the reunion of the National League champions is his recent and general activity on twitter.

Namely, a few months back, he posted a controversial tweet regarding Iranian women in which he mentioned using them as slaves.

As we all know, Aubrey was of course joking but it seems now that San Francisco Giants don’t take it so funny at all.

Another instance is a recent tweet in which he posted a picture of himself in the shooting range while expressing political support for Donald Trump.

The Giants have now officially given up on having Aubrey Huff on their reunion list of invitees since they believe that politics have no place in sports.

What was Aubrey’s Reaction?

When Aubrey heard about this whole situation, he first felt shocked because of the reason the team manager gave him for not calling him to attend the reunion.

Although generally politics really shouldn’t be mixed with sports, in the interview Aubrey has given to the reporters he expressed how he feels regarding the whole situation.

Aubrey felt disappointed that the team is not giving him support since many people think that without Aubrey, the National League Championship title would never come to San Francisco that year.

He also stated how much his jokes and sense of humor helped the team to maintain high team-spirit and eventually, because of that bond, win the title.

Aubrey finds that there are many worse things that a team member could do to ruin the atmosphere than merely posting a few tweets.

Overall it seems that this is a lection for all of us that sometimes it is best to keep our personal opinions for ourselves.

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