Categories: Technology

SEO for Growth: This Is How You Can Increase Organic Traffic

On the road, traffic is a real pain. It makes your commute longer.

On the web, traffic is a real joy. It brings more visitors to your site.

Unfortunately, attracting a lot of traffic to your site isn’t an easy task. Well, there’s an easier strategy, which is to invest in pay per click ads, but that isn’t what we are about in this article.

Why pay when you can get lots of organic traffic free of charge? You just need to embrace search engine optimization.

Here’s how to leverage SEO for growth.

Optimize Your Website for Search

A common mistake website owners make is thinking search engine optimization begins once the site is live. In truth, SEO starts when you’re developing the site.

During the design and development of your site, keep SEO in mind. Things like the domain and site’s meta description will go a long way to make the site search-friendly.

Another important thing to implement during the development stage is responsive design.

Did you know over 60 percent of internet users now access the web from mobile devices? A responsive design ensures your site is able to adapt the theme and display to the user’s screen size. But if the design only supports desktop view, you will lose visitors who will want to access your site from their mobile devices.

If you don’t know what it takes to build an SEO-friendly site, don’t do it yourself. Hire an expert, preferably an SEO agency that offers web design and development services.

Keep Your Blog Fresh

Companies that blog receive 90 percent more traffic to their websites than those that don’t. Do you need any more reason to start a blog for your business?

However, it’s one thing to start a blog and it’s quite another to make it bring in the traffic you need. Many site owners set up a blog and fail to update it with fresh content.

You need to blog regularly. And not just blogging for the sake of it. You must provide quality content that’s relevant to your audience.

Many companies hire an SEO agency to take care of the content, so you can take this approach if you’ve got the budget.

Promote Your Site/Blog on Social Media

Millions of people use social media sites every day. This makes these sites an ideal source of web traffic. You just need to know how to use them properly.

Start by creating a business or personal page (depending on your brand). Grow your following by creating informative and entertaining posts. You can then start sneaking in relevant links to your site or blog.

Your followers will follow the links and land on the target page. That’s how you get organic traffic without trying too hard.

Leverage SEO for Growth

Organic traffic is an easy way to bring visitors to your site. But easy doesn’t mean everyone is equipped to do it. With this guide on how to leverage SEO for growth, you now know some of the steps you can take to boost organic traffic to your site.

Need more SEO tips? Keep reading our blog!

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