Categories: Technology

7 Terrific WordPress Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Have you always wanted to run your own website? Are you interested in finally looking into what this “WordPress” thing is and what it’s all about?

If so, then you’ve come to the right article! There are numerous benefits of using WordPress for your website, but none are more important than the tools you have at your disposal.

If this is your first experience with WordPress, then you might be looking for some pointers on how to correctly use it for your site.

Here are several WordPress tips and tricks that you can use as you get your new website up and running.

1. Find the Right Host

You may have never known this, but there are several different hosting sites that use WordPress. 

This essentially means that these hosting sites have been created to better cater to the regulations that WordPress has for safety and efficiency.

There are several to choose from such as BlueHost,, GoDaddy, HostPapa, HostGator and many more.

They all have they’re different strengths and weaknesses associated with them, so just be sure to research their features and find the best one that suits your needs.

For example, if you’re looking to build a website for a blog that you want to start then BlueHost might be your best bet!

2. Organize Your Media Library

As with any other facet of your life, the backend of your website needs to stay as organized as possible. Namely, you need to make sure that your media library is always filed correctly.

One of the best ways to do this is by simply creating a folder where you can place all of your must-have media into. 

From there, it’s as simple as typing in a few keywords to have that media pop up and be ready for you to use at any time.

3. Don’t Launch Until You’re Ready

It’s understandable that you’d want to get things moving on your WordPress site so that you can get your site live as quickly as possible.

However, you’ll want to take your time and figure out all of the best ways that you can integrate certain features. 

After all, your web design doesn’t end after picking a template for you to use. You still have to play around with colors, tags, widgets, and all the other tools along your sidebar. 

Take your time in creating your website the way you always wanted it to be. There might be times where you become frustrated with figuring out new features of the site that you’ve never used.

That’s why it’s a good idea to line yourself up with the best WordPress page builder plugin.

First impressions are everything. So you want to make sure all of your first-time site visitors have an amazing initial impression of your brand.

4. Use Page Titles to Your Advantage

If you know anything about search engine optimization, then you know how valuable keywords and embedded links are to your website’s success.

However, not many people realize that your page titles also play a role in how much your pages turn up on a search engine top results page.

You can use that to your advantage by installing keywords into the page titles that you use.

That way, any time that you or someone else shares a link to your site, there’s a significant amount of backlinking going towards your page!

5. The Power of Photos

Photos are your new best friend when it comes to building your new website. In a world that’s becoming more and more visual every day, you simply can’t have enough of them.

However, it’s important to make sure that the photos you’re using are high-resolution and have keywords inside the image title as well. That’s because (you guessed it!) the search engines will take notice of your image titles and photos as well.

It’s all about sending site users to the highest quality of websites as possible. That’s why photos play such an important part in your search results.

If you’re looking to get even more of an advantage, then look up keyword phrases that you can relate to your photos. Then use those phrases in your image titles for more specified searches.

6. Watch All Your WordPress Demos

WordPress isn’t simply out to get as many people to purchase their product as possible.

They also want you to know the ins and outs of their service so that you can make the best website possible.

To help you do that, they’ve pushed a number of videos, tutorials, and demos to point out all the different features and how to use them.

Be sure to watch all of them so that you can be as educated as possible on the website builder you’ve purchased.

7. Take Security Seriously

Yes, your WordPress purchase comes with security features on it. But you should exhaust all efforts to make sure you’re doing your part as well.

That includes things such as installing a security plugin to your website and backing up all of the information that you have on your site.

You don’t want to wake up one day and see that all of your hard work has been removed from the internet. Always have a place, such as UpdraftPlus, that you can resort to for your lost data.

Put These WordPress Tips and Tricks to Good Use!

Now that you’ve seen several WordPress tips and tricks, it’s time to use them as you build your new website.

Be sure to take your time in building your site, but also, don’t take so long that you start second-guessing yourself. Find that balance that’s somewhere in the middle.

Also, be sure to browse our website for more articles related to website building, as well as many other helpful bits of information.

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