
Traveling Updates – What can we expect?

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the intentional economy and disrupted our lives in the beginning of 2020. It shut down all traveling.

Start of traveling

Experts agreed that it would take around 18 to 24 months for the industry to begin returning to regular levels.

Meanwhile, travel industry will undergo some big changes: new security checks to screen travelers who are sick, vacation near home, large hospitality chains will rule.

Furthermore, airlines like Delta are considering issuing “immunity passports” to people who can prove they have already been infected.

Professor Ashish Jha notes that even if people recovered and have antibodies, it is possible they could be infected again.

Temperature checks at airport could also become the norm, but these might not catch cases where the person is asymptomatic.

Traveling will be a difficult experience. Airlines are starting to require passengers and crew to wear masks, and middle seats are left open.

Many airlines are still canceling international flights through the summer and into fall.

People of high risk will stay at home until there is a vaccine or treatment available.

Robert Reich said people will not feel safe traveling in crowded airplanes, until death rate decreases, or until there is a vaccine.

Staycationers and large chains

Josh Collins said traveling to tropical destinations might be over. However, people might look for local options, like camping or road trips.

Many bookings and trips are being cancelled. On the other hand, Jos is considering a new market- staycationers. He is thinking about marketing hotels luxurious places to spend the night after a hike in a nearby national park.

Outdoor trip might be particularly appealing after people have been cooped up in their homes for months.

This strategy has the best shot of success for many hoteliers. Traveling will resume in a slow, careful and highly phased manner.

It will kick off with local outings as the economy reopens.

Anyway, many smaller businesses will shut down, leaving behind larger chains that have more runway and can still attract people.

Collins said many of his clients have plans to bring visitors back in to their hotels and restaurants, but with social distancing. However, not every vendor will be able to sustain that kind of reduced capacity for long.

On the positive side it means more deals. Businesses will probably do more virtual meetings. That means airlines and hotels will cater to leisure travelers and may offer discounts.

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