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10 Mistakes in Marketing to Avoid With Social Media

As of 2019, 45% of the world’s population (that’s 3.5 billion people) were actively using social media. Today, 93% of marketers recognize social media as beneficial for their brand awareness.

In addition to increasing your exposure, a strong social media presence can also help you boost website traffic, sales, and brand trust.

Despite the many advantages of using social media, companies are still making basic mistakes in marketing online. Those mistakes could cost you customers and impact your brand’s online reputation.

Don’t make the same mistakes everyone else is making online. Instead, keep reading to discover those popular mistakes and learn how to avoid them. With this guide, you can perfect your marketing strategy and get ahead of the competition.

Boost your brand online by avoiding these 10 social media marketing mistakes today!

1. Rushing in Without a Plan

One of the biggest mistakes in marketing you can make on social media is to rush in without a plan. Instead, take the time to develop a thorough social media marketing strategy. Strategizing and researching ahead of time will help you create an effective, results-driven brand.

After all, you can’t accomplish your goals if you don’t know what those goals are to begin with!


First, develop SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

For example, you might make it your goal to increase your Facebook followers by 150% by the end of the second quarter.

As you start developing these goals, make sure they connect back to your overall marketing goals. Let’s say you want to increase sales for a specific product. In that case, you can make it a goal to increase website visits to that product page.

Try creating a goal for each social media platform. Determine your key performance indicators (KPIs) as well to track your progress.

Audit Your Accounts

Once you know your goals, get to auditing. Take a look at the social media platforms you’re already using. Which one is generating the most results?

You don’t have to start with every social media platform. Instead, choose the platforms where your customers spend their time. 

Before you can attract more customers, you need to know who your ideal customers are. Try to split your broad target audience into specific, smaller personas. You can separate these consumers based on:

  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Household income
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Interests and behaviors
  • Previous product choices

Once you know who your customers are, it’s easier to reach them!

Take the time to audit your competitors’ accounts, too. Make a note of the platforms they’re using. What type of posts are they creating that generate the most buzz?

Once you know what they’re doing wrong, you can make a strong strategy that avoids those mistakes in marketing.

2. Neglecting Authenticity

Your company’s brand is an important component of your marketing strategy. Without a unique brand, you’ll fail to stand apart from the crowd.

One of the mistakes some businesses make is viewing social media as a popularity contest. You’re not trying to win followers. Instead, you’re trying to show customers who you really are and what you believe in.

With marketing online, it’s important to stay true to your brand. Focus on your unique value proposition. What can you offer that other businesses in the industry can’t?

Remain authentic when you’re online. Then, customers who have the same values you do will learn to trust your brand. Once you establish brand trust, you can earn a loyal audience and retain your customers for years to come.

3. Sharing Too Much

Some companies make the mistake of oversharing online. Instead, remain authentic and transparent without saying too much.

Before you post, imagine speaking face-to-face with a client. Would you say what you’re about to type aloud? If the answer is no, don’t post it.

4. Getting Defensive

Some social media managers feel the need to defend their brand from attackers. While it’s important to communicate with your customers, how you communicate is equally important.

Remain professional when you’re online. Avoid getting confrontational.

If you’re unsure how to respond to a negative comment, speak with a team member. Though it’s important to respond promptly, you don’t want to rush and say the wrong thing.

Otherwise, going on the offensive could negatively impact your online reputation and scare away future customers.

If you’re unsure of how to respond on social media, consider working with an experienced marketing company. Agencies like Kadima Digital Agency have navigated these situations before. You can rely on their prior experience to develop a strong strategy for responding to negativity online.

5. Avoiding Interactions

You’re not the only one online, so don’t act like it. Instead, take the time to interact with followers, prospective customers, and even your competitors online.

Interacting with other accounts can help you promote brand awareness. It’s also a great way to communicate with customers and discover new prospects.

For example, you can find an influencer in your industry who already has a league of loyal followers. An influencer can promote your brand to their existing audience. Their existing brand trust can help you earn credibility online.

Are people leaving happy comments and reviews on your accounts? Awesome! Respond back to show your gratitude.

What about questions, comments, and concerns. Respond to those, too. Show your followers that you’re eager to help.

Interacting with people online will help boost brand awareness and help you show off your expertise. 

6. Posting Without Purpose

Don’t post at random or simply to put up content. Instead, get organized. Create a content calendar and make sure every post aligns with your goals. 

For example, you can post a fun photo of your staff to communicate your brand culture. Maybe you have a photo that would work great for teasing a new product. Either way, make sure those posts align with your SMART goals.

A content calendar will keep you organized.

As you post, take the time to consider different forms of content, too. For example, you can try:

  • Infographics
  • Photos
  • Animations
  • Videos
  • Live videos
  • Quizzes
  • Polls

What type of content will intrigue your target audience? What formats do they interact with most? This is where your research can come into play.

Don’t forget to add video content into the mix. About 90% of consumers say product videos help them while they’re shopping. In fact, about a third of all the time people spend online is just of video content.

Meanwhile, 64% of consumers are more likely to buy from your brand after watching a video about your products.

7. Focusing on Sales

Many businesses use social media to self-promote. However, that’s a mistake. Don’t post photos and videos for the sake of making a sale.

Instead, give your followers an experience they can’t find anywhere else. Let people learn more about your brand. Consider fun, interactive content that encourages engagement.

Instead of focusing on sales, let your brand speak for itself!

PPC Advertising

Instead of using your posts to generate sales, utilize social media pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Advertising with Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms can help boost your reach.

With PPC, you’ll pay for each click on your ads. You can also use an impression-based strategy to pay for every 1,000 views. Then, there’s remarketing, which allows you to reappear in front of consumers who have visited your website in the past.

You can utilize different PPC advertising strategies on social media to improve your brand awareness, conversion rate, and site traffic. 

The global ad spend is expected to reach $605 billion in 2020. Try different ad formats and campaign styles to determine what best appeals to your audience. For example, you can try photos, videos, or animations to generate clicks.

8. Sticking to the Schedule

While it’s great to stay organized with a content calendar, you don’t want to get stuck on it. Sometimes, random invents happen throughout the day. Post something new and exciting to keep your followers on their toes!

While you don’t always have to stick to a schedule, it can help to know when it’s best to post. These social scheduling times can help you determine when it’s best to post on each social media platform.

Otherwise, take a look at your data. When is your target audience most active on each platform? Make a note of those times and adjust your schedule accordingly.

Make sure to keep checking your data to make informed decisions moving forward. 

9. Forgetting the Platform

One goal many businesses make is forgetting each social media platform is different. You don’t want to take the same approach on Instagram that you do on LinkedIn. One is fun and playful while the other is more professional.

Make sure to create a unique strategy for the platform and the audience on that platform.

10. Keeping It Inconsistent

Regardless of what you post, it’s important you don’t forget your branding. An inconsistent brand could make it difficult for people to recognize you. Instead, you can use brand consistency to build awareness and recognition. 

Make sure to keep your logo, color scheme, and imagery style consistent. Your Tone, voice, and personality should match across every post and every platform, too.

Start Getting Social: 10 Social Media Mistakes in Marketing You Need to Avoid First

Give your social media marketing strategy a strong start! By avoiding these mistakes in marketing, you can reach customers and boost your brand. Get ahead of the curve by avoiding these mistakes online!

Searching for more helpful tips? Explore the Social Media section of our blog for helpful guides today!

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