Categories: Technology

How to Create Catchy Instagram Graphics That Get Attention

Did you know that there are over 1 billion active users on Instagram? That’s a ton of potential customers waiting to learn about your brand.

The lifeblood of Instagram is, of course, attractive images and graphics. Without them, you will be severely limited in your ability to engage with potential customers.

Do you want to know how to create the best graphics for Instagram without spending tons of money on expensive software?

Keep reading to learn how to create catchy Instagram graphics that can get you instant attention.

Use a Free Photo Editor

Before getting into tips for creating graphics on Instagram, you’ll need some reliable and nifty software.

Name brand photo and design software will often charge you an arm and a leg, but in most cases, this is an unnecessary expense.

There is a lot of free graphic software out there that will allow you to make and edit images to rival Adobe Photoshop, for instance.

Desygner is great for mobile devices while Gravit Designer is perfect for more complicated and fine-tuned creation. If you need software for adding text to an image, then Snappa can do it in a jiffy.

Pay Attention to Legibility and Color Theory

To compete with the multitude of Instagram graphics striving for a potential customer’s attention, you’ll need to keep certain tips in mind.

For instance, if your image is going to have text, then it’s crucial to choose a font that is easy to read. The reason for this is that people use Instagram on their mobile phones far more than on their computers.

You should also keep the hierarchy of visuals in mind. More important information should be larger and positioned closer to the top or middle of the image. Conversely, less important information should have a smaller font and be closer to the bottom or sides of the image.

Additionally, color theory can go a long way with creating images that are pleasing to the eye. Hue, shade, tint, tone, and more play a role in how we decide if something is attractive or not. Even just a basic understanding of color theory can help a lot during the design process.

Get Freelance Help

If your team isn’t artistically inclined or doesn’t have the time for creating graphics, don’t worry. By hiring graphic designers, you can speed up the process and ensure the best results possible.

From logos and banners to product images and infographics, graphic designers can do it all.

Not only will you save time and money but you’ll have access to those artistic minds that can truly make all the difference when it comes to marketing success.

Ready to Create the Best Instagram Graphics?

Now that you’ve learned all about how to create catchy Instagram graphics, you can save money and increase the success of your brand.

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