US & World

Aunt Jemima is changing Image and Name – Racial Stereotype accusations

Quaker Oats said it would retire the name Aunt Jemima as it worked to make progress toward racial equality.

Aunt Jemima image change and its history

For decades, Quaker Oats knew that one of its major brands, Aunt Jemima, was built on racist imagery.

The company inched toward fixing the problem over the years. And, replacing the kerchief on the Aunt Jemima character’s head with a plaid headband. Which later adding pearl earrings and a lace collar.

However, it was not until Wednesday that Quaker Oats had an announcement. They will drop the Aunt Jemima name and change the packaging.

They came to the decision to remake the brand due to widespread protests against racism. And, throughout the country that lead to changes in the corporate world.

The company stated it was working to make progress toward racial equality through several initiatives.

Furthermore, the packaging changes will appear toward the end of the year, with the name change to follow.

The founders of the brand hired a former slave, Nancy Green, to portray Aunt Jemima at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.

In recent years, the company considered doing away with the logo. The group that was on the project tossed around many ideas.

They had to be very aware of the broader implications, and what would happen if they got it wrong.

World reaction

Companies like Nike, Twitter, Adidas and Sephora support the protests.

The streaming service HBO Max temporarily removed the 1939 film “Gone With the Wind” from its catalog. That’s because of its glorification of the antebellum South.

In addition, the food and candy giant Mars. The owner of Uncle Ben’s, said it was “evaluating all possibilities”.

Mars said it did not yet know the changes it would make or when they would go into effect. It had a responsibility to take a stand in helping to put an end to racial bias and injustices.

Moreover, the syrup brand Mrs. Butterworth’s said it was starting a complete brand and packaging review. They acknowledged that its bottle could be interpreted in a way that is wholly inconsistent with our values.

B&G Foods also said that it was initiating a review of its Cream of Wheat packaging to take steps to ensure that the brands do not inadvertently contribute to systemic racism.

Land O’Lakes had started removing stereotypical Native American imagery from many of its products before the recent protests.

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