
When can we stop wearing masks? Coronavirus Update

The coronavirus outbreak hit us unexpectedly and brutally, viciously spreading worldwide. And, we are still wondering when can we stop wearing masks?

From that moment, the measures we are getting used to are still in effect. So, masks became a global symbol of the pandemic.

Suffice to say, the question is – When can we stop wearing masks?

“The condoms of our generation”

Brian Castrucci, the president of a public-health nonprofit – the de Beaumont Foundation, compared masks with condoms.

Nevertheless, Castrucci spent a long time working in the health sector. And, he remembers when the HIV epidemic hit the world. 

At the time, condoms started to go mainstream in the U.S. Therefore, are now widely accepted and used as a necessity.

Today, the same goes for the face masks and they are “condoms of our generations” Castrucci said.

Anyhow, the answer to when can we stop wearing masks is not simple or finite. It depends on the pandemic situation.

In that light, the head of epidemiology at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, Ben Cowling, has some advice.

So, Cowling recommends wearing masks in crowded areas and public transit, even when it becomes safe to leave our homes.

Even more, Trish Greenhalgh, from the University of Oxford, advised that people should wear masks until new cases cease to arise.

Furthermore, Greenhalgh who works as a primary-care professor continued by explaining that the U.S. is far from the “no-cases-goal”.

When we can start wearing masks and other questions

Next, when can we stop wearing masks dilemma extends even further.

Therefore, the new question is what will happen if people get fed up with the masks, and what are the alternatives.

Additionally, do we need to worry that the way we communicate will change forever?

Nonetheless, David Matsumoto, a psychologist from Humintell, explained that we aren’t fully and properly communicating if we only use our eyes, and specifically, from six-feet-distance.

Particularly, full face interaction is needed to avoid misunderstanding and any clothing or protection over the face is increasing chances for it to happen.

Comparably, the face shields might be an alternative, as they allow the full-face exposure.

However, many experts agreed that face masks are more effective, so when can we stop wearing masks time can extend.

Finally, it is unclear whether and when can we stop wearing masks. But, one thing is for sure – better safe than sorry.

Let’s all respect the measures and be responsible, so that we are doing all in our power stop, or at least slow the spread.

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  • Face masks should not be mandatory for people who are not sick, they should only be worn by the infected, why should we all suffer by wearing masks

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