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Your Uncomplicated Guide to TikTok Fame

The social media platform TikTok has about 100 million users monthly, making it one of the most popular apps in the world today. Because of this, building a lucrative career on TikTok is very much a possibility.

Now, it’s not as easy as some might think, but if you know how to become famous on TikTok, you can build the career and life you’ve always imagined. Listed below are a few tips to help you do just that! Keep reading to learn more.

Stay Consistent

Regardless of whether you’re trying to gain TikTok followers or maintain the following you have, the key is to stay consistent. New people create TikTok accounts every day, so you need to keep yourself in the minds of your audience to stay competitive.

Aim for posting at least once a day. Every video doesn’t have to be a massive production, posting a simple lipsync video to fill in the gaps between your more time-intensive content is more than okay.

Follow Trends

Social media is all about trends, and new ones pop up all the time, sometimes multiple times a day! If you can keep up with the latest trends and challenges, you’re far more likely to get famous on TikTok. 

With TikTok, do your best to keep your finger on the pulse of the viral audio clip or song that’s making the rounds for the day, and post your videos accordingly.

Use Hashtags

Continuing with the topic of trends, hashtags are a must if you want to become one of the most famous people on TikTok. If you’re an avid social media user, you know that you can’t use just any hashtags, they have to be both relevant and popular.

Take a look at what hashtags popular accounts are using for similar videos to yours if you’re unsure. You can also hijack trending hashtags that are close to being relevant to your video but aren’t a perfect match.

Including a mix of relevant hashtags and trending hashtags that are close to what your video is about is a fantastic way to increase reach and engagement.

Interact With Other Users

Especially when you’re first starting out, you have to get your name out there! Using hashtags and posting regularly is great, but don’t overlook the importance of interacting with other users.

One collaboration with the right TikToker could be the difference between an account with 200 followers and one with 2,000.

Comment and like other users’ TikToks often, and don’t be afraid to reach out to ask for a duet or collab. At worst, they say no. Best case scenario, however, you make a new friend and gain thousands of followers!

Learn How to Become Famous on TikTok and Change Your Life

Building a career as a social media influencer is the dream for many, but only a handful make the cut. By knowing how to become famous on TikTok, you increase the chances of becoming one of the lucky few.

Remember, when you’re first starting out, the best thing you can do is interact with larger, established accounts. And as you build your account, consistency is the key to success.

Looking for more tips and tricks for finding success on social media? Be sure to check out our blog!

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