
Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying Penny Stocks

Many investors have been purchasing penny stocks for some time now. They find it a more inexpensive way to enter the stock trading market. Here are a few more ideas on the subject.


A thrilling chase

If you like a good gamble, penny stocks might be the right type of stock to invest in. Many people do it as a hobby and just for fun because it can be incredibly risky. However, there is something exciting about the prospect of getting a large return on your investment. It can go either way, and you need to be prepared for the worst and realize that you’re flying fast and loose when investing here. 

Penny stocks are not as stable as, for example, a stock like SQ stock. But a stock such as this is $235.99 a share as of today’s writing. Many investors cannot afford that. This is why they head for the more inexpensive stocks. 

Rapid gains

Instead of waiting for growth over the course of years, a valuable penny stock might grow over the course of a few days. This is very rapid and if you get lucky, it can serve to give you some major profits in the long run. You will see rapid price moves within a short period of time and this can be encouraging. However, you should never solely rely on them completely during your investing career because this instance can be incredibly rare. Always take penny stocks with a grain of salt and treat them like an accessory investment for fun and you’ll never be disappointed.

Increase your small budget

You have the ability to purchase thousands of shares with a penny stock investment strategy and this will help you with a smaller budget. There are some people who take advantage of penny stocks to serve their purposes who have a larger budget too. You can find an example of that and gain insight. 

There are many uses for penny stocks and often times if your budget is smaller then you can benefit more from it. However, anyone can invest in them and take advantage of various strategies.


Lower quality stocks

Most of these penny stocks will come from lower-quality companies that are generally not very wise to invest in. This doesn’t mean there isn’t an opportunity here though. Their finances and balance sheets are generally very unorganized which isn’t a good reflection on the state of their business. Their operations might have significant losses which aren’t very ideal for investing. 

If your goal is to have consistency and security, penny stocks are the last place you want to focus your attention. The services they offer could be in a dying market that has no potential for growth or you might observe that they are in an oversaturated market. Either way, you will have lower quality stocks no matter what when you invest here.

Major losses to contend with

Most people who take penny stocks into consideration and act on them will end up with less than when they went into it. However, some people believe that they can still be lucrative and you can read about that here to see why. It’s actually better for swindlers who are seeking to capitalize on other people’s ignorance. 

There is nothing wrong with investing in penny stocks for fun, but when you start to take it seriously, that’s when problems begin to arise. You will definitely lose money eventually here and it should be treated in the same manner you would a casino. That’s the right mindset to have because it’s a highly risky endeavor that can disappoint you if you have high expectations.

Risky markets

Most penny stocks are located in unverifiable locations where you won’t have adequate information to digest and make informed decisions. They will trade on Pink Sheets, OTC, or OTCQX where you can’t find listing fees, reporting rules, and other market standard procedures that make things more viable. It’s a highly risky endeavor and you should always stay on your toes when investing in penny stocks. 

These lower-quality companies are not even considered to be legitimate stock exchanges and you should always watch your back when engaging on this platform. There are many low-quality companies here and you will have a hard time wading through the sea of options. 

It’s important to treat penny stocks with the right mindset so you don’t lose money or have your hopes and dreams crushed. Nevertheless, people still invest in them for fun and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Published by
Amanda Green