However, if you’re an unknown start up, or your business deals in niche markets, then you might need some help building awareness and traffic to your Facebook Fan Page.
Here’s some tips to build traffic, and get the momentum going, with your Facebook Fan Page:
1) Build a blog for your business. Why? You ask… because if you build your blog right, generate great content with targeted keyword integration, then your blog postings will be getting traffic from search engines such as Google.
Google is able to deliver high qaulity traffic to your blog because on Google, it all starts with a search query. This means people are actively searching for what your business has to offer. And when they connect to your page (your blog postings), you now have high quality attention from visitors.
Integrate your Facebook Fan Page into your blog to now promote your Fan Page to these high quality visitors. Now that you’ve got high quality visitors at your blog, you now have a great opportunity to send them directly to your Faceobook Fan Page.
2) Build a Twitter profile for your business. Twitter is a powerful broadcasting mechanism for your business. You can instantly send messages to followers who typically are interested in what you’re talking about (not always the case though.
Anyway, Twitter is another great tool to send traffic to your Facebook Fan Page. Here is my recommended way to send your Twitter followers a link to your Facebook Fan Page:
3) Finally, put the same shortened URL in your email signature block. The way you do this would differ according to your email program.
Of the 3 strategies, the one I recommend you start using right now is building a blog for your business.
The marketing power of a blog goes far beyond driving traffic to your Facebook Fan Page. The more your generate blog postings, the more you’re increasing your overall presence on the web, and the easier it will be for people to find you and connect with your business.