Facebook Mobile Already Connection 65 Million People

Certainly helped by the new Facebook 3.0 iPhone app, the Facebook phenomena is growing rapidly on mobile devices.

Facebook released a blog statement yesterday stating that they’re reaching new milestonese via mobile devices:

Today, we reached a new milestone with more than 65 million people now actively using Facebook on their mobile devices — a significant increase from 20 million just eight months ago.

The relevance of the mobile web is growing rapidly.  Even Google, with their new Android OS for mobile phones, is betting on the fact that the mobile web will become even more relevant than standard computer access.

Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, says the next major growth wave for Google, in terms of search engine marketing, is the mobile Internet.

Even with Google making a huge move toward the mobile web, it seems that Facebook is gaining an edge in traffic, relevance, and growth compared to Google’s presence.

Is it possible that in the future, we’ll see Facebook as the dominant web property both on normal computers and mobile devices?

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