Nearly 80% of all searches for local businesses were conducted on Google. And just last year, Google surpasses the Yellow Pages as the #1 source for finding local businesses.
Being in the Yellow Pages used to be a must for local businesses. Unfortunately, they charged exhorbatant rates for running ads.
You no longer need to worry about the Yellow Pages though, because there’s a new king in town called Google, and this is where all the customers are searching for your business, products, and services.
Here are 2 tips for dominating Google’s search results for your local business:
1) Utilize geographic keyword phrases in title tags. For those of you with just a website, this means optimizing your H1 tags and including geographic areas of your market. For those of you utlizing a blog, this means including keyword phrases in the titles of your blog posts.
2) Implement a blog for your business. If you’re a local business, and all you have is a website, then now is the time to launch a blog for your business. A blog is a powerful tool that allows you to generate a lot of content about your products and services. And as I mentioned, utlizing keyword phrases in your titles that target your local market is critical.