Categories: Technology

Wal-Mart Hours on Christmas Eve – Closing At 8pm

For those of you trying to squeeze in last minute shopping, you might find it valuable to know that Wal-Mart will be closing at 8pm on Christmas Eve.

Wal-Mart Hours on Christmas Eve – Closing @ 8pm

But don’t worry, even if you don’t make it Wal-Mart by 8pm, then you can always turn to Google – as millions of people apparently do.

Google search graphs show that phrases such as “last minute deals”, and other phrases indicative of a last minute shopper, spike on the night of December 24th.

Here are some example graphs:

‘last minute gifts’
December 2008

‘last minute deals’
December 2008

’shipping by christmas’
December 2008

Source:  Google Retail Blog

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