Categories: FacebookTechnology

Facebook Site Maintenance 2010

One of the major events this year already with Facebook is the new homepage redesign.  Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and chief executive officer of Facebook, wrote in a recent blog post, “To celebrate six years of Facebook and the 400 million people on the service, we’re doing what we like doing most—building and launching products for people.”  Unfortunately for some, the “building and launching new products” has in essence shut some people down!

In a recent blog post about Facebook site maintenance, users are expressing their frustration with their profiles being unavailable.  One prominent error message that people keep seeing is “Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Some people are claiming that they’ve been locked out of Facebook for over 36 hours, and have yet been able to log back in.

At this point, the only suggestion that makes sense as to why so many people are now experiencing outages with Facebook is because of their new redesign rolling out.  The roll out must be taxing some users’ profiles more than others.

Like my Facebook profile, I don’t yet see any changes – whereas others have the new changes and already expressing their various views on the new redesign.

How about you?  Do you have the new Facebook redesign already?

And if so, what are your thoughts about it?

Finally, is your Facebook profile still down due to maintenance?

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  • I already had the new layout for a couple of days and now all of the sudden today since 8am I've been getting this message.

  • I had the new layout for about 2 days and I haven't been able to get into my account since 9 pm last night.

  • I had the new layout for several days, but I am now 24+ hours with this "maintenace" lockout message now :-(

  • This is what I got from facebook:

    Thanks for your report. Some users have been experiencing difficulty logging into and using the site for several days. Specific symptoms of this issue include:

    • Inability to log in due to a "Site Maintenance" error message
    • Missing friends from the Friends page
    • Errors when trying to access Inbox

    Unfortunately, we do not have a specific date for when this issue will be resolved, but we are working to fix it as soon as possible. Please note that this is a temporary display issue and no content has been removed from your account. Although we are unable respond to every bug report individually, we are reading them. We appreciate your patience.

    The Facebook Team

    • Hi Aletha - thank you so much for your added update! We all appreciate hearing something directly from Facebook - although it doesn't sound like it's the answer anyone was looking for.

      Thanks again Aletha for sharing...

  • I was locked out of my account for 24 hours. While searching for an answer I found a link for facebook lite. This site let me log in, and I clicked on the facebook logo at the top, which directed me to the normal facebook page. I have been able to log in and out with no problems now. Im sorry but I dont have a link , but I do hope this helps. It was driving me crazy!

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