Categories: MobileTechnology

HTC Incredible & Nexus One Heading To Verizon?

verizon wireless nexus one htc incredibleverizon wireless nexus one htc incredibleHTC Incredible & Nexus One Heading To Verizon

Verizon is determined to the be carrier that is facilitating the mobile revolution. Earlier today I wrote about how Verizon may have hinted via Twitter that the HTC Incredible was about to be released.

Now, on top of the HTC Incredible rumors we also have Google’s phone Nexus One coming to Verizon.

One of the moves that allude to Verizon making room for the HTC Incredible and the Google phone Nexus One is their announcement that they will will slash the prices of the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus to $49.99 and $29.99 only. Both palm phones will come with a 2 year contract and will sold on a “buy one get on free” basis.

Additionally, Verizon is throwing in its Mobile HotSpot plan for free (normally $40/month). With this service your Palm phone will turn into a 3G modem, allowing any other Wi-Fi capable device such as a netbook or iPad to connect to the Web, according to

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    • how about you send me an article that's more than, let's say 6 hours old, that confirms Verizon is going to carry the HTC Incredible.

      waiting patiently for the link...

      • Robert, we all know what you know. All you are doing is spreading around stale rumors and speculating like everyone else, just not as great with it. Carry on folks..nothing here worth reading besides author resentment of readers (of crap articles).

  • I'm getting tired of every one say that the Nexus One is coming to Verizon, YES I KNOW!!! Tell me some thing I don't know like the offical release date. If you don't have then don't post nothing up! Stop informing everyone with what we already know HTC Incredible and Nexus One ARE COMING TO VERIZON...

    • Hi Omar - I will post the same question to you that I posted to the first person who commented here"

      "how about you send me an article that's more than, let's say 6 hours old, that confirms Verizon is going to carry the HTC Incredible."

      People keep saying that the HTC Incredible coming to Verizon is old news - I'm waiting for someone to send me a link that shows Verizon has confirmed that news.

    • Hi Phil - thanks for visiting and at least posting something! I do appreciate it...

  • The internetz has been regurgitating the same bullshit about the N1 since the beginning of March. If it's not out this week on Verizon then they lost a two year renewal from this guy. IMHO, Don't dangle the products in front of customers for months in advance unless you can provide an exact date when I can drop some coin on the thing; and Google can stop whining about poor sales when it's only being sold to the 4th rated network in the country and Canadians. I'm tired of checking their website three times a day.

  • Yeah I dont know who is a bigger scum bag. Robert or Robert's boss who would let him post this kind of garbage.. Go away Robert you fat ugly homo.

  • Yeah I dont know who is a bigger scum bag. Robert or Robert's boss who would let him post this kind of garbage.. Go away Robert you fat ugly homo.

    • Daneil - wow, I didn't realize how personal people take the reporting of news, and those who report.

      Thank you for at least visiting and commenting - I appreciate your time.

  • Hi Omar - I will post the same question to you that I posted to the first person who commented here"

    "how about you send me an article that's more than, let's say 6 hours old, that confirms Verizon is going to carry the HTC Incredible."

    People keep saying that the HTC Incredible coming to Verizon is old news - I'm waiting for someone to send me a link that shows Verizon has confirmed that news.