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HTC Incredible Release Date At Verizon is April 29

htc incredible verizon1htc incredible verizon1HTC Incredible Release Date At Verizon is April 29

It has been talked about extensively on the web about the HTC Incredible coming to Verizon, but today Verizon has announced an official release date of April 29th.

The much anticipated smart phone has been talked about coming to Verizon since the end of February, and finally we are getting a release date.

The HTC Incredible, is similar to Google’s Nexus One but with a Sense UI. The phone is powered by Android 2.1 mobile OS.

HTC Incredible coming to Verizon April 29th (Video)

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    • nothing except that I thought it was a cool video to watch regarding the HTC Incredible.

      Thanks for commenting.

  • Care to say where you got this info? Was there an official announcement done by Verizon? Or are you basing this on some Verizon/BestBuy documents that were allegedly leaked into phandroid's Incredible forum?

    • Hi Nano - I was basing my information off of non-Verizon information - I wrote a supporting article showing my sources with links.

      Check it out and let me know if you think the 4/29 release date is legit.

      Thanks - and here's the link:

  • Your article says "today Verizon has announced an official release date of April 29th.". Would you be so kind as to share with your readers where/when this "announcement" was made and in what form? One would expect that if Verizon actually made an announcement there would be an accompanying press release or something on their site about it. If there was so such announcement you might like to do your readers (and yourself) a favor and correct the story to quote the source of the "rumor" or "supposition" based on leaked or fabricated documents which lead you to write the article. Inquiring minds want to know the truth.

  • Your article says "today Verizon has announced an official release date of April 29th.". Would you be so kind as to share with your readers where/when this "announcement" was made and in what form? One would expect that if Verizon actually made an announcement there would be an accompanying press release or something on their site about it. If there was so such announcement you might like to do your readers (and yourself) a favor and correct the story to quote the source of the "rumor" or "supposition" based on leaked or fabricated documents which lead you to write the article. Inquiring minds want to know the truth.

    • Hi UBChain - I incorrectly said that "Verizon announced" this information - they didn't.

      Here's a follow up article I just wrote showing all of my information, leads, and links that I used:

      let me know if you think this source is legit

  • Please provide links to this "official announcement"....otherwise this article is about as useful as a football bat.

    • I incorrectly said that "Verizon announced" this information - they didn't.

      Here's a follow up article I just wrote showing all of my information, leads, and links that I used:

      let me know if you think this source is legit

  • It is not coming out on the 29th. It will be either April 19th or May 13th. How do I know? I'm one of the guys responsible for store inventory and for putting phones out on the floor for display. Verizon hasn't told us yet what we're doing on those dates, but these "store refreshes" always corespond with price changes and new equipment. The May date is a larger "refresh" and my money is on that one.

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