Categories: iPadTechnology

iPad 3G Release Date No Later Than May 3rd

ipad 3g release date may 3rdipad 3g release date may 3rdiPad 3G Release Date No Later Than May 3rd

My neighbor went into a local Apple store here in the metro Atlanta area to pre-ordered the iPad 3G.

While there, he thought of me (he knows what I do for a living and what kind of blog I have), so he decided to inquire about when the iPad 3G is expected to be released – or, he said he put it in terms of when could he expect to get the call from the store that the iPad 3G’s are now here and he can come pick his up.

What the Apple store said about iPad 3G release date:

The guy at the Apple store told my neighbor that he wouldn’t be surprised if the iPad 3G is available this up coming week.

So that would be sometime between Monday, April 19th – Friday, April 23rd.

But then the Apple store employee told my neighbor that the iPad 3G will be in their store, at the absolute latest, by Monday, May 3rd.

So no later than Monday, May 3rd will be the iPad 3G release date!

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  • "guy at the Apple store" doesn't have any idea what is he talking about... all speculations. iPad 3g is gonna be available when Steve decides to.

  • Pre-ordered a 3G model on 3/12... Apple's site states they won't charge my card until it ships. Just noticed I have a new temporary authorization of $12 on my card as of today which as it turns out is the same amount I paid for expedited shipping....good sign? Don't have anything else on that card so no clue what else it could be.

  • The Apple Store employees are as "in-the-dark" as the rest if us. Apple will release it as soon as they feel like it.

  • I have that same $12 charge on my account! It's date is for 4/20 so I'm assuming that's a good sign that that's when it will be shipped :-)

  • When the wifi iPad shipped, everyone that preordered it got it on the launch day, regardless of if they paid for priority shipping or not. The people that did pay that $12 got mad and asked for a refund, which they got. When I preordered my 3G, I just selected standard shipping. Now I'm listed as priority. So if you paid extra, you'll probably be getting that money back.

  • @Brad
    Nice I got the free shipping and did not know if I would get it first day. I am so smrt I am so smrt S M R T.

  • Anybody who has read the website knows the iPad will be shipped to them in "late April." It will of course be in the stores at the same time it ships. Pre-ordering the iPad is ignorant if you have a store close to you.

    • Not really ignorant if a person doesn't want to bother with the crowd and possibly not even get one. It's not like the WiFi version that could be reserved for in store pick-up.

      It might actually be the total opposite, if you know you're getting one on release day then it's ignorant not to pre-order since you get free shipping.

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