Categories: FacebookMarketing

Facebook Fan Pages Drop ‘Like’ And Puts Back ‘Become A Fan’

facebook fan page become a fan1facebook fan page become a fan1Facebook Fan Pages Drop ‘Like’ And Puts Back ‘Become A Fan’

I wrote yesterday about the new changes Facebook made to their Facebook Fan Page layout by replacing the ‘Become A Fan’ button with a new ‘Like’ button.

The changes went far beyond just changing a button however. With the new ‘Like’ functionality, Facebook Pages were going to be become more integrated within the news stream of fans’ personal Facebook profiles.

This would have meant more exposure, more branding, and more marketing power for a Facebook Fan Page.

Facebook changed it back to ‘Become A Fan’

I think it was within an hour or so of posting my article on the new changes that I, along with a bunch of other people, noticed that the Facebook Fan Pages were back to normal with the ‘Become A Fan’ button – the ‘Like’ button was gone.

So now when you go to look at your Facebook Fan Page, everything is back to normal and there is literally no trace of the ‘Like’ functionality.

2 Theories on what happened:

1) Facebook is experimenting with a new Fan Page layout and design and the only way to truly know what they are working with was to physically launch it. This would allow them to see what it looked like, how it functioned, and how the new layout would appear live on the web.

2) Facebook wanted to launch the new concept and get feedback from users. My guess is, based on the feedback sent through my own Facebook Fan Page, the response was not a warm welcome by any means – basically, people didn’t like the new functionality of the ‘Like’ replacing the ‘Become A Fan’.

The main critique I read was that you could no longer see all of your fans, and that you could no longer tell what fans were new to your Facebook Fan Page.

However, I’m not so sure you were ever able to tell what fans were new because I never noticed the list of fans being chronological – did you?

What do you think?

So did you notice yesterday the new Facebook Fan Page layout?

If not, you can check it our here (I got some screen shots).

And what do / did you think of the new layout and functionality?  Is it something you would prefer to the current ‘Become A Fan’ design?

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  • Given past Facebook changes, they roll them out in stages. It takes some time before everyone can see on their profile/wall. It has been widely reported for weeks that Facebook was going to eliminate the FAN feature. Somehow I doubt that they would roll it out yesterday, then change their mind based on feedback. I DO hope you are right as I do NOT like this change. I want to be a FAN!

  • I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice the change, I have to say that it did generate one story for me.
    There was a group about a teenager that committed suicide because of bullying, one of my friends had joined the group within the day and so it came up on my feed that they were now a fan of "Teenager commits suicide" or a title to that effect.
    Imagine my shock when I came online later in the night to find the feed now said;
    Friend likes Teenager commits suicide.
    I do think there is room for "like" pages but it needs to be structured in its roll out to avoid confusion, incorrect information on brand pages (as mentioned above). Possibly run them alongside Fan and Group pages?

  • You can view your Fans in reverse chronological order (most recent on top) by clicking the See All link above the Fan box on the left. So, yes, you are able to see who's new.

    During the hour or so when "Like" was in place, that function didn't work - you got a count of how many people "liked" you, and six pictures not necessarily the most recent "likers", but no hyperlink that expanded the chronological view.

    In any case, if they go back to "Like" they're making a big mistake. Organizations as well as Fans use and understand the Fan terminology; there are "become a Fan of ..." links all over the Web. It's understood as the equivalent of Friends for businesses, organizations, performers, etc. And it's a noun - "like" doesn't lend itself to any easy phrase - "become a liker of...?" "Visit our Like page on Facebook?" "We have 10,000 likers...?"

    On the page I run I posted this during the hour of "like":
    "WE'LL STILL CALL YOU FANS. Facebook has decided "Fans" are no longer "Fans". Now, people Formerly Known as Fans just "like" the outfits they used to be "fans" of. This makes no sense to us, but hey. As far as we're concerned, you're still Fans, and we'll continue to keep you posted about [our] happenings. Let us know how we're doing!"

  • Yes, "Like" is back. We're in the process of promotional activities around our new "Like" Page. We changed all print materials to icky new verbiage, including "Tell us you like us....." Yuck. Sounds so...needy! Anyway, logged on this morning, Become a Fan was back, there was cheering in the streets and then....half hour ago, Like reared its ugly head again. Grrrrr.....

  • "Like" is ridiculous! The greatest part about fans is that you can see the latest ones and click on them to see what other pages they gravitate towards, any bits of their profile available for view. This is great qualitative information for brands and marketers that goes beyond FB's analytics.

    There is a difference between "liking" something and being a "fan." Liking is so rampant on FB that it bears no weight anymore. All you can do is comment or like. Becoming a "fan" suggested, at least to me, a gesture of something more than liking - an affiliation. And now of course that is gone.

  • Interesting. I noticed the change and then noticed it when it went away. The idea of a fan makes more sense to me but I also like the idea of our organization/brand have more reach. It somehow seems that becoming a fan of something is more of a commitment than liking something. So, maybe Facebook was trying to give brands more of an opportunity to communicate with more people by changing the word. I "like" that part but I also see the other side.

    It seems like Facebook is doing all the right things and people naturally resistant to change so maybe they put it live, caught a glitch and it will be back. Pure speculation. Who knows?

  • I haven’t been able to catch the transition phase, and maybe it was not available for all servers / people? I noticed some of the changes were divided in time and it took days for the change to become visible to everybody (I’m in Europe, which also might change the timing, then there’s a question of all the translations too, though I personally have FB in English as the translation to Czech is completly horrible).

    Anyway, the chronological order does not work in Chrome, but in FF and IE it is believe always in chronological order (not sure though whether this functionality was there in the beginning or not).

    Though I understand the reasons for the planned change, I think rolling out in the fashion we saw it - that’s not a good idea... And you’ve noticed they discontinued Facebook Lite without any notice? Or that is what it seems...

  • I agree with you A Gordon - this whole 'Like' thing is ridiculous! I want to become a Fan and want people to become fans too. I like the interaction with fans and being able to see who are my latest fans. With the 'Like' functionality you can't interact with your Likers.

  • I liked what I saw for about 5 minutes and then it was gone. I noticed an add'l box over the fan box that told me how many friends were fans and I think that's an awesome addition to a fan page. I hope it comes back.

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