Categories: FacebookTechnology

Why is Facebook down on 4/23/10?

facebook downfacebook downWhy is Facebook down on 4/23/10?

With Facebook being, as some stats show, the site on the web with more traffic than Google even, obviously when Facebook goes down people want to know why. I’ve learned from experience, however, that when Facebook does go down, it is typically not on a large scale  – which means, Facebook down time is typically isolated to core groups of individuals, not every user on Facebook.

I wrote yesterday about Facebook going down on 4/23.

And as it is whenever I write about Facebook going down, people find the article and start leaving their feed.

Yesterday’s article was no different.

But the answer to the question – why is Facebook down on 4/23/10? – is not something that anyone knows. Facebook is made up of a massive server structure that spans the entire world. When one server goes down, whether from traffic or some other technical issue, or if the server is taken down for maintenance, then users more than likely will be affected.

In fact, the common result when people say that Facebook is down is that people are not able to login to Facebook.

Another common error message that people can receive is Facebook is down for maintenance.

However, when users see this error message, there is much reason for asking “why” – because the error message itself explains it – it was down for maintenance.

What do you think?

So are you currently experiencing Facebook login issues or do you see the “Facebook is down” error message?

Did you have that problem yesterday?

Let us know what you experienced, and if your Facebook is back up?

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  • This is a really bizarre article--Facebook may have been down but I think this article is purely written because it's a Google hot makes no sense at all because you keep repeating the key words over and over. Oh, it's SEO. Right. But its also just a waste of time clicking on an article that tells us NOTHING. Why don't you write an article that informs us of something that's interesting and not full of key words?

    • Hi Lucy - sometimes people just need a platform, or a sounding board to share their thoughts - much like you just did, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

  • Because it's the end times. Sheesh it's a website. If you can't cope without it for a day then you are truly lost.

  • It was down for me for about 10-15 minutes. I'm not sure whatever sole "servers" it could have effected, because my girlfriend was in Switzerland and experienced the exact same "lock out" that I did.

  • Well that was useless.

    I can't access Facebook today, no "Under Maintenance, please check back later", just "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". I've tried other browers, just in case FB had a weird Apple-esque where they block random browsers. But no, it's unavailable. Which is pathetic, a company this size, having an "Under Maintenance" message show up would be much more considerate.

    Having to search out other users and see what's the common causes of Facebook going down is rather annoying.

    And Robert? Lucy was right. This is indeed a waste of a page. Facebook won't look at these comments, the page has no information.. Then saying 'if a message says under maintenance, then Facebook is under going maintenance'. Yea, no kidding. Too bad there's no message at all.

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