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Blackberry News: Blackberry Bold 9650 Release Date May 23rd

BlackBerry Bold 9650BlackBerry Bold 9650Blackberry News: Blackberry Bold 9650 Release Date May 23rd

The Blackberry Bold has made the news today with an announcement that the Blackberry Bold 9650 will be coming to Spring with a scheduled release date of May 23, 2010.

RIM and Sprint on Monday announced the BlackBerry Bold 9650, a follow-up to the popular BlackBerry Tour, which adds Wi-Fi and ditches the troublesome trackball for an optical trackpad, according to PC World.

One of the biggest complaints stemming from the Blackberry Tour was the scrolling ball for tracking. Customers complained heavily that the Blackberry Tour’s scrolling ball would get all gummed up and sticky from use.

The Blackberry Bold 9650 resolves this issue by adding a smooth free pad for scrolling.

Here’s a leaked image of the Blackberry Bold 9650 specs. This image was leaked when it was rumored that the Blackberry Bold 9650 would be coming to Verizon:

BlackBerry 9650 specsBlackBerry 9650 specs

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