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Bret Michaels Update – Monday, April 26th

bret michaels update2bret michaels update2Bret Michaels Update – Monday, April 26th

There hasn’t been any updates from Bret Michael’s Facebook Fan Page or his Twitter profile since yesterday’s Bret Michael’s Update.

This was the only official update sent from his Facebook page yesterday:

At this point Bret remains in ICU in critical condition. He is under 24 hour doctors care and supervision. We are hopeful that further tests will locate the source of the bleeding, which has still not been located. As we all know Bret is a fighter and we are hopeful that once all is complete the slurred speech, blurred vision and dizziness, etc. will be eliminated and all functions will return to normal.

Clearly, Bret Michaels is fighting for his life at the moment. If someone has to be under 24 hour supervision in the Intensive Care Unit then we know that Bret that there is a fight for life taking place.

Joann Mignano, Michaels’ New York-based publicist, in an interview to has confirmed that Bret Michaels was rushed to the hospital on last Thursday after he complained about severe headache.

Right now, the only information that is streaming onto the web about Bret Michael’s condition is just rehashing the same old information about what happened on Thursday and early Friday morning.

I will keep you posted on any updates that come from Bret Michael’s Facebook Fan Page and / or his Twitter profile.

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  • I am soo sorry for what has happened to Bret. I am such a fan, and this has devistated me. I am not a fan of his music, not a fan of his reality show or of his recent celebirty apprentice. I am a fan of the kind and gentle man he is. When I saw him break down about his daughter, it hurt me. When I saw the way he reacted on the celebrity apprentice, not as a show person, but as a kind and gentle man. Now to hear this. My Step father had this same stroke two years ago and now is completely recovered. So I have faith. I just hope this will all come out ok. I'm just tome woman in Florida who cares enough to try and write and pray he gets well. Thank you.

  • I am soo sorry for what has happened to Bret. I am such a fan, and this has devistated me. I am not a fan of his music, not a fan of his reality show or of his recent celebirty apprentice. I am a fan of the kind and gentle man he is. When I saw him break down about his daughter, it hurt me. When I saw the way he reacted on the celebrity apprentice, not as a show person, but as a kind and gentle man. Now to hear this. My Step father had this same stroke two years ago and now is completely recovered. So I have faith. I just hope this will all come out ok. I'm just tome woman in Florida who cares enough to try and write and pray he gets well. Thank you.

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