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YOUCUT – You Cut Online Vote Program


YOUCUT – Republican Whip Eric Cantor introduces You Cut two days ago, a project of the economic recovery group and today all people want to know the details of this new program. Named “You Cut” means peoples involved to cut Washington’s culture of spending into a culture of savings

According to Republican Whip about YouCut

YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project – is designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress. It allows you to vote, both online and on your cell phone, on spending cuts that you want to see the House enact. Vote on this page today for your priorities and together we can begin to change Washington’s culture of spending into a culture of savings.

You Cut Program

  1. Presidential Election Fund ($260 million in savings)
  2. Taxpayer Subsidized Union Activities ($600 million in savings)
  3. HUD Program for Doctoral Dissertations ($1 million in savings)
  4. New Non-Reformed Welfare Program ($2.5 billion in savings)
  5. Eliminate Wealthier Communities from CDBG ($2.6 billion in saving)

Check the details of each YouCut program at Republican Whip YouCut . Now is time to Vote You Cut !


You Cute Vote Page

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View Comments

  • YouCut needs clearer instructions (vote for only one?). I had to do some checking to discover that you vote for only one item. Please amend the instructions asap. It may discourage anyone from voting.

    • DItto, they call it a program but in reality they're the ones who needs to be re-programmed. Opinions.

      • What planet are you living on? You are going to say with a straight face that the dems are fiscally responsible. That 860 billion stimulus really worked out well didnt it? I imagine you dont have time to keep up with current events with all those job offers rolling in huh. Also the health care bill is going fix everything,right? The bill already has become more expensive but just wait the best is yet to come.

  • Hey I have found a way to vote over a thousand times by writing a simple macro. I suppose it doesn't matter though, because they have already decided which one they are going to say won. And why only 5? Why only items from the republican agenda? How about cutting some corpoate programs instead of social life-lines?

    • Laws that stop and punish fraud. SEC sleeping at the switch or I should say playing on line. WHY ARE THEY STILL THERE?

      The new regulations won't stop that

      Fannie and Fredie had their profit inflated so the CEO could steal over 300 million. Is he in JAIL. He is close to the President.

  • This is idiotic. Making public policy based on the opinions of anti-government individuals is not going to achieve any intelligent results. If we had listened to the enflamed crowds in the past ("DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!", "DRILL BABY, DRILL!" ...and famously: "CUT EPA FUNDING!", "REVERSE ALL REGULATION!") we would be struggling to save our entire coastline from one oil spill after another.


    • Bob, Do you drive a Car? How about heat your house or cook dinners in the oven? Until we have a more developed source of energy we need oil! Perhaps it would be better just to let other countries drill for oil in off shore locations and restrict only American companies from drilling there. This way our enemies can have all the oil and control us by waiving high gasoline prices in front of our noses until we cave in to them! GET REAL!! GET INTELLIGENT!! Just because we disagree with government doesn't mean we are anti-government. I love my freedom and don't want to give it up to big government and a bunch of incompetent pin heads in Washington who refuse to listen to the people who put them there. Policy is far better made by those footing the bill rather than by those who create them! Wise up before it's too late!

    • Sell your car, stop eating meat, hug a tree and smell your farts yup that's the life for me. Maybe you are the idiot.

  • Let me know when they add options to cut Pentagon programs. I'd start with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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