Categories: AndroidTechnology

HTC EVO 4G – Official List of Sprint 4G Coverage Areas (Cities)

Android Powered HTC EVO 4G – Here is the official list of the current, and future, list of Sprint 4G coverage areas ans cities.

So have you visited your local Radio Shack or Best Buy yet to pre-order your HTC EVO 4G? The HTC EVO 4G is supposedly the hottest new mobile device to hit the market. And when it says “4G”, it is actually referring to the mobile web browser – not a “4th generation” version of the device.

If you pre-ordered your HTC EVO 4G already, then you might be wondering exactly where can you get this super fast 4G web browsing speed here in the United States!

I’ve gone through the official Sprint 4G coverage area web page and put together a nice, neat little list for your to see all the cities where Sprint currently offers 4G coverage.

Cities where Sprint currently has 4G coverage:

  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Milledgeville, Georgia
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Maui, Hawaii
  • Boise, Idaho
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Greensborough, North Carolina
  • Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Salem, Oregon
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Lancaster, Pennsylvania
  • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
  • Reading, Pennsylvania
  • York, Pennsylvania
  • Abilene, Texas
  • Amarillo, Texas
  • Austin, Texas
  • Corpus Christi, Texas
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Fort Worth, Texas
  • Houston, Texas
  • Kileen, Texas
  • Lubbock, Texas
  • Midland, Texas
  • Odessa, Texas
  • San Antonio, Texas
  • Temple, Texas
  • Waco, Texas
  • Wichita Falls, Texas
  • Bellingham, Washington
  • Kitsap, Washington
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Snohomish, Washington
  • Tacoma, Washington

Cities scheduled to receive Sprint’s 4G network by end of 2010:

  • Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Miami, Florida
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • St. Louis, Missouri

Sprint 4G pricing:

From what I understand, if you purchase the HTC EVO 4G, you will be required to pay an additional $10 for th e4G coverage and data plan, regardless if you live in one of the cities listed above or not.

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    • I don't think this list is accurate or complete SF has been set to roll out in the first 3 quarters of 2010 for sometime. Our IT dept has received calls from Sprint Business Account reps promising this with static IP's

  • I've been with Sprint for over fifteen years and It kinda looks like it's not so good when you look at the map! In fact, a large part of the US. Population will not even get WiMAX even if a WIMAX tower in your city. Doesn't WIMAX has a short wave spread (distance) it can reach?

    I'm ok with 3G but not an extra ten bucks a month ($120.00 a year) for something I may never see!


    • The coverage will be far apart won’t it? I live in Orange County Ca. and will probably not get coverage for some time! I still think sucks that you have to pay ten bucks a month for 4G when you won’t even get it! They should have just lumped it into in the service contract somewhere and we wouldn't even be discussing the 4G fee.


  • I don't understand why everyone thinks you have to pay for the $10 e4G coverage. That is just not true. I've talked with a Sprint rep, and from what I understand you don't have to add that on. Has anyone else heard this too?


  • I spoke with our Firms Sprint Business Account rep. and got a different story. I was told Sprint has multiple 4G service providers and was assured Sprint is set to roll out 18 cities in the next 2 quarters. I included below is a list that was sent over to me by our rep. I am slightly torqued as SF should be on there but the rep again assured me SF is due by the end of the 3rd quarter. This list also makes more sense to me as Clearwire has a rather large footprint in central CA.

    Here is the list she sent me.
    Merced, CA
    Modesto, CA
    Stockton, CA
    Visalia, CA
    Rochester, NY
    Syracuse, NY
    Tampa, FL
    Jacksonville, FL
    Daytona, FL
    Kansas City, KS
    Nashville, TN
    St. Louis, MO
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Wilmington, DE
    Grand Rapis, MI
    Eugene, OR
    Yakima plusTri-Cities, WA

    • This list is totally false. To take 4G technology and apply it to the smallest possible city in one of the biggest states (like California) is outrageous. Merced, Modesto, Stockton & Visalia combined equals almost half of Sacramento and at least one-fourth of Los Angeles. It does not make any sense whatsoever that farmland cities (stockton, merced, etc...) receives 4G coverages whereas larger major city like L.A., San Fran, Sac, San Diego, etc.. doesn't. Your sprint business account rep is either lying or does not know what she/he is talking about.

      • It does make sense that rural areas get wireless internet coverage, since wired coverage is limited or non-existant. Stockton/Lodi has Clearwire, which is upgrading to Clear (4G), so not so unthinkable.

  • You are missing a few cities that are supposed to get 4G by the end of this year. One of them being Washington DC, which although doesn't show up on the coverage map as having 4G coverage, it has actually had it for a couple of weeks.

  • I do not know how many times this has to be said, the $10 fee is NOT for 4G, it's for premium data.

    • That is neither here nor there. When Sprint touts it's phone as a 4G superphone and then says you have to pay $10 extra, whether you live in a 4G area or not, the perception, and extremely understandably so, is that you have to pay $10 for 4G coverage even when you don't get it. It's either false advertising or an extremely badly executed marketing strategy. Let me put it to you this way -- does anyone care that when the South used to have poll taxes in order to vote, Southerners would repeatedly holler, "the voting fee is NOT for keeping poor Negros out of the voting booth, it's for state's rights to raise revenue." Sure, the latter was true, but what was the perceived and actual effect?

  • You do have to have it as an add-on, but it's for the additional data usage...not 4G. Statistics show that iPhone users use more than double the bandwidth than other users (and slow their connections), so in my mind this is a fair add-on.

    Keep in mind that Sprint plans are cheaper than Verizon or AT&T, since ALL mobile-to-mobile minutes are free (regardless of the carrier), so unless you're calling a lot of landlines you can get away with fewer minutes. The $69.99+$10 for voice + unlimited data is a heck of a lot cheaper than the equivalent with AT&T (over $110).

    Also, Boston is on the list of 2010 4G cities. Actually, they've lit it up a few times during testing and people have been able to use it.

    • Plus, the $10 a month gives you true unlimited. Verizon has a 5GB cap on "unlimited" data, and AT&T is now capping their unlimited at 2GB. Sprint is the only company that will give you true unlimited 3G, and if you are one of those lucky cities, 4G.

      By the way, Salt Lake is already getting Wimax coverage all over downtown. Sprint hasn't officially launched it, but I get consistent 3.5 - 4.5MB downloads at my office using my Evo as a hotspot.

      • Bradleyw801,
        Are you paying more than the $10 Evo plan premium when you use your Evo as a hotspot? I just tried a speed test in Murray & got 650k download, so I guess WiMax doesn't reach this far south of downtown Salt Lake.

      • thats not true. you only get "unlimited" if your in a 4G coverage area. sprint has a 5GB cap on its 3G data package (im a longtime user of the htc touch with data package and now the proud owner of the new overdrive mobile wifi ap, so i know)

        they used to claim unlimited 3G because they figured no one would ever hit the 5GB cap, and unless your using your phone as a modem (which i was for a while), you wont. look at anyone's plan with the data package and its clearly 5GB for 3G.

        (why every ohio city but columbus? its the highest populated city and no slated 4G?)

  • It would be nice to see Detroit get 4G. Why would some hick cities in the south get it before?

    • it was explained to me once that usually the "hick" or smaller market locations are first because they are sort of a test market. If there is a problem there are far less customers impacted. Not sure if this is true but it does make sense to me.

  • Hi Stephanie - the Sprint link you provided sends me to a page full of information / navigation, but nowhere do i see the link to where Sprint provides a comprehensive list of 4G coverage maps. I think I've watched every video already (several times) trying to extract where the coverage cites are mentioned.

    Am I just missing it???

    Or is making it very DIFFICULT to find a Sprint generated 4G coverage map?

    Can you please provide me with a link (from Sprint) that is a map showing the up to date 4G coverage???

    Until then, my list - although not 100% accurate perhaps - is more comprehensible than 99% of the websites out there - including

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