Categories: Business

BP Oil Spill Live Feed, New Live Oil Spill Feed Bypasses BP Site

BP Oil Spill Live Feed, New Live Oil Spill Feed Bypasses BP Site

bp live oil spillbp live oil spill

At around 11:30 am this morning (Wednesday, May 26th), BP cut off their live oil spill feed due to the launching of the procedure they called Top Kill.

Apparently, BP didn’t want the public watching the procedure as it happened – in case things didn’t go as planned and / or they wanted to avoid the press (and bloggers) critiquing something they have absolutely no idea about. So BP just cut off the live oil spill feed altogether.

New BP Oil Spill Live Feed Emerges

So somehow PBS has obtained a BP live feed of the oil spill and actually has put together an iFrame code that you can embed into your site to watch it live.

Here is the new live video feed, embedded into this article thanks to

For some reason this BP live oil spill feed looks totally different than the one that was streaming from BP’s own live oil spill page early today (the one that BP cut off).

The one from the BP website looked like the petroleum was all shooting out of once pipe – like a firehouse shooting water.

The live oil spill feed above looks like the petroleum is shooting out of several different holes along the oil pipe.

So is it possible that the feed above is a different camera sitting at a different angle than the one showing on BP’s website (or was showing on their website)?

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    • Have you ever used liquid N2 before? It would just evaporate off the oil and form air bubbles. Now, flash freezing concert with N2, that's a whole different story. However, if you flash frooze concret it probably wouldn't "set" correctly. Therefore, it would be too brittle. This idea is a fail.

    • Man, this well is blowin' it out like I do on the toilet after eating too much at Pancho's

  • ring around the wellhead in a circle with explosives 15 25 50 foot deep 20 holes or more

    detnonate crushing the the hole in the center

  • ring around the wellhead in a circle with explosives 15 25 50 foot deep 20 holes or more

    detnonate crushing the the hole in the center

    • wouldn't be able to create enough pressure to even slow it down. just a big a*s fireworks show that no one would see.

  • why dont BP / experts make a BIG funnel with pipes and set it on top of the hole. and let the oil flow through the pipe onto a vessel / tank?

  • Explosives: Miss and make it 1000 times worse

    "Big Funnel": They tried that -- remember? The huge concrete and steel structure? At the depth and temp we are talking about, the leaking gas combines with the water and freezes into hydrate crystals, clogging everything....

    • Exactly the point. Let the thing clog, and then stop. isnt that what they are trying to do now with the top-kill procedure?

  • Why didn't BP just drill the relief well shallower then the top of the production zone. Could have intersected the original hole around 3000 feet below sea level. We would be done already.

    • Because the rig that drills/ perforates in to the damaged well at 3000 ft would be blown off the face of the earth. Just for fun. If the numbers are right and the zone was around 17000 being balanced with 14.3 ppg mud. That equals 14.3x17000x0.52= 12641 psi. Seeing that pressure at 3000 ft would be 12641 psi divided (.052x3000ft)= 81 ppg mud to balance formation pressure (The earth under your feet only has a weight of 21 pounds per gallon on average if you don't believe me get a gallon and put it on the scales). Even on the high end mud weights top out around 22 ppg so they would be seeing around 9209 psi on the choke which would be suicide. They will only gain access to the damaged well when it is possible to control the pressure. Do not want to risk any more human lives.

      • The oil is not good i agree, but the heart breaking thing for me is the 11 families that no longer have their father, son, brother, grandson, grandfather. I'm a drilling rig supervisor for a major oil company and this has sent a cold chill down my spine thinking about my son and what it would mean to my family for me not to come home after my 2 weeks of work or if i made the decision that resulted in someone here not to return to loved ones. Just my 2 cents. BP made an huge mistake. Let's just pray the relief wells make gods speed and keep turning to the right. That is the only real solution the rest of this jazz is a pipe dream. The math does not support it. But i hope they prove me wrong.

        • The heart breaking thing for me is the estimated 1.3 million dead and 2.5 million displaced Iraqis since the start of the war, curtesy of corporate America, including BP.

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