Categories: iPhoneTechnology

iPhone 4 Ship Date Pushed Back to July 10th? (iPhone 4 Supply Shortage Rumor)

iPhone 4 Ship Date Pushed Back to July 10th? (iPhone 4 Supply Shortage Rumor)

Someone made a comment on one of my iPhone 4 articles that they just left an AT&T store after pre ordering their iPhone 4 and they were told that Apple pushed the shipping date of the iPhone 4 back to July 10th.

The anticipated shipping date for the iPhone 4 has been, since the iPhone 4 announcement, June 24th. And nothing that I’ve seen since then has changed to make anyone think otherwise.

But again, someone just posted the comment that they were told by an AT&T store rep that the iPhone 4 ship date has been pushed back from June 24th to July 10th.

No Supply issues reported for the iPhone 4

Apple has taking a much different approach this time around with the iPhone 4. They have opened up the distribution channels for the new iPhone 4 to beyond just AT&T. Stores such as Wal Mart, Best Buy, Radio Shack, and multiple stores throughout the UK, are all onboard to distribute the new iPhone 4.

And there has been no mention from Apple, up to this point, to raise a red flag on supply side issues.

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  • I will be sooo pist off if this happens. i think that person that was told that is full of it. how many times have u been helped by at&t and there sales team don't seem to know what is going on. it only takes 1 comment like this to start a war!!!!

    • you're right - I even called AT&T to inquire about it but the rep said they haven't received any ship date updates for the iPhone 4.

      Why doesn't Apple just start their own global phone company - it would make information dissemination a whole lot more efficient (maybe...)

      • agree all that money there making they can start there own line up and things would be simple information would make it easier.

        think about this walkin in to radio shack or wal-mart of all places to pre order a phone u know dang well those guys. well i hate to say not the best at what they do?

        • I'm a long time Apple Online Order Customer and I was pushed back to a delivery date of July 6-8. Whaaat? I always order early and buy lots LOTS of computers, iphones, etc and it's never happened before. Not even with the iPad (although UPS screwed up the delivery - lost it)

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