iPad Technology

iPad iOS 3.2.1 Now Available for Download in iTunes

ipad ios 3 2 1 update

Right on the heels of the iPhone iOS 4 update becoming available in iTunes, Apple launches a second update – this time it’s for the iPad.

The iPad iOS 3.2.1 updates the iPad with the following:

  • provides improved WiFi capability
  • fixes the copy/paste of single-page PDF’s in Mail
  • addresses the issues that causes video playback to freeze
  • improves the reliability of video-out when using the iPad Dock Connector to VGA adapter
  • added Bing as an option for Safari’s search field

What… added Bing as an option for Safari’s search field?

What about Google?

Is it me, or is Steve Jobs started to make a concerted effort to fight back against Google and their efforts at taking over (dominating) the mobile phone industry?

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