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Rush Limbaugh Wedding Photos Hit Facebook

Rush Limbaugh posted his wedding photos to his Facebook page on Wednesday setting off a flurry of comments and criticisms.

A lot of the comments on Rush’s wedding photos were “congratulatory” but some were highly critical.

The criticism is primarily due to Elton John performing at his wedding. Since Elton John is a supporter of same sex marriages, people are starting to question Rush’s private life compared to his radio show host personality which is obviously very conservative.

Rush Limbaugh married 33 year old Kathryn Rogers, making this his fourth marriage.

The reception was held at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida and guests included the lies of former Bush advisor Karl Rove, Fox News commentator Sean Hannity, former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, and former Clinton advisor James Carville and his wife, Republican Mary Matalin.

You can view the wedding photos that Rush Limbaugh posted to his Facebook page here.

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