Categories: EntertainmentPeople

Obama Singing Al Green (Lets Stay Together) YouTube Video

obama singing al green lets get togetherobama singing al green lets get togetherObama sang Al Green’s song “Let’s Get Together” at a fundraiser.  The cost of seeing Obama sing Al Green you ask?  Oh, only $2000 a ticket at the apollo theater, where 1400 attended.  The event was one of several Big Apple fundraisers the president attended Thursday while his would-be Republican foes were sparring at a debate in South Carolina. Others had price tags of $5,000, $15,000 or even $35,800. But some supporters got to hear the presidential pipes for as little as $100.

“I told you I was going to do it!”  Obama shouted to someone just offstage. “The Sandman did not come out!”

“Don’t worry, Rev. I cannot sing like you,” he joked. “I just wanted to show my appreciation.”

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