Categories: Technology

7 Reasons to Use Videos for Business Websites

Videos have become dominant, with most internet users opting for visual content. Today, 87 percent of marketers use videos in their digital marketing strategies. Meanwhile, most customers are likely to buy a product after watching its video.

Because of videos, YouTube leads as the most visited domain with up to 1.625 million monthly visitors. One way to boost web traffic is to include unique content and videos to fill the bill. Here are more reasons why you should use videos on your business website.

1. More Comfortable to Consume

Most internet users are always rushing to find desired information and move to other pages. They may not have the time to scroll through lengthy pages but they can pay attention to a video. This is mostly because of the ease of consuming videos.

Videos can help your brand to break down complex information. And also enable you to deliver product descriptions more comfortably. Besides, they can present a lot of information within a few minutes. 

The length of videos isn’t a contributory factor to their consumption. Both short and long videos can attract significant views and help to boost web traffic.

Videos are also relatable and seem more authentic than most content. Brands that use videos may gain trust faster because of the instant appeal they can generate.

2. Boost Web Traffic

Video content is popular. More adult internet users watch videos than any other content. Video consumption goes beyond the need for entertainment. According to HubSpot, 54 percent of customers want video content from brands and businesses.

If you want to boost web traffic quickly then the must-try strategy is to use videos. Web visitors pay the most attention to videos and skim through your pages and blog posts. This doesn’t mean you have to focus entirely on videos but blending them with your posts is a sure bet to boost web traffic. 

Videos are also exciting to watch and can be creatively put together. You can add some humor and attract a lot of attention to your website. Their shareability allows users to post them and help your digital marketing.

3. Expand Your Content

In digital marketing, the more in-depth your content, the better your results. Sometimes your blog posts and pages may not be enough or incisive to attract traffic. Having extra sources of traffic helps you to give customers more value and keep them engaged.

Unlike pages or blog posts, videos are more comfortable to create. You don’t need expert copywriters or a lot of technical knowledge. You can quickly shoot videos and post them to continue communicating with customers. 

Having a mix of text and video gives your visitors diversity for more prolonged web interactions. Both video and blog consumers can also visit your website and find their ideal content. This helps you to increase visitors and cater to a larger audience.  

4. Augment Your SEO and Digital Marketing

Are you struggling to improve the effectiveness of your SEO and digital marketing? If yes, use videos. Videos appear independently on search engine results. They are also typically more likely to appear on the first search page than text. 

You can also use your videos as social media posts. Most social media users prefer visual and highly engaging content and videos can give your digital marketing an extreme boost. Videos can encourage visitors to stay on both your website and social media pages.

But sharing videos on both social media and websites can sound a tedious task. You can use a digital marketer or video creators to speed up your marketing. If you’re struggling to track their wages you can adopt a paystub template and make your work extremely comfortable. 

5. Increase Visitors Memorability

If photos are impactful for memories, videos are a hundred times better. Most people can quickly narrate a story they watched three years ago. Use videos to ensure your messages stick to your customers’ memories and boost your brand’s recalls.

You can also use videos to tell stories for higher recall. It’s natural for human beings to concentrate on interesting narrations. Stories go beyond entertainment to educate and create a solid bond with viewers.

You can also optimize your videos for social media posts. To grab the attention of social media users, make sure the most exciting part is at the videos’ opening. This helps to capture attention and increase engagement. 

6. Portray Your Brand’s Personality

Storytelling is one of the most effective branding strategies. Through videos, brands can tell their stories and connect with customers on a human level. You can use videos to deliver your message with the emotions that represent your brand. 

Through visuals and sounds, you’re able to stimulate your fans and prompt them to take action. Customers can swiftly relate to your emotions through visuals than other content. Even the length of a video doesn’t matter because you can create massive awareness with a 10-second video. 

7. A Flexible Tool for Communicating with Customers

Videos give you unlimited options to communicate with customers and boost web traffic. You can use them to announce a new product or run a product launch to attract attention early. Here, use short videos to decode products and explain processes that may trouble your customers.

Sometimes you can share a testimonial or case study to boost web traffic. This helps to generate credibility around your brand. Genuine testimonials can increase loyalty and support your communication efforts.

Also, you can communicate with customers through video diaries. This is more effective for answering frequently asked questions on your website. List down all your customers’ questions and create a series of answering videos.

You can use videos to send welcoming messages to new customers. That way, you can help them familiarize themselves with your business. And videos are still the most effective when updating customers about upcoming events. 

Use Videos in Your Business to Boost Web Traffic

As the most demanded content on the web, videos can help your business. You can use videos to boost web traffic, support digital marketing, and tell your brand’s story. 

We discuss more business tips for improving your marketing on our site. Check out our blog for additional advice.

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