
Auburn vs Alabama Football Game – Live Blogging

Alabama turns the ball over – Auburn takes over with 30 seconds left – Auburn will win

Alabama now has 4th and 10 –

Nearly threw and interception – now 3rd down

Alabama incomplete pass  – 2nd down

Auburn punts – Alabama takes over at the 18 yard line

Only 1:47 left in the 4th qtr – Auburn just loss a yard – Auburn will need to punt

Auburn got a time out just a second before taking a delay in game – still 3rd and 9

Newton still looks shaken up – Auburn gains a yard – now 3rd and 9

Newton caught in the backfield – loss of a few yards – also looks to have maybe hurt his ankle on the play

Cam Newton dives over the top for the first down

Auburn going for it – 4th and inches

— >> newest updates will be at the top from here on

4th quarter 6:12 left:

This game is amazing – Alabama is driving down the field with the score currently 28 – 27 Auburn.

3rd and 12 – Alabama has the ball.

McElroy just got slammed into the ground and it looks like it might be his shoulder.

Why is it that Auburn can’t find a way to come out strong in the first half of the game? It seems like Auburn always struggles during the first half and then finds a way to come back in the second half.


McElroy walks off the field – looks like he might have received a concussion.

Alabama just punted and ended up only being a 23 yard punt.

Auburn now has the ball, 5:10 left in the game.

Auburn now looking at 3rd and 5

Newton takes the ball up the middle – gets the first down

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