This story originally published on Yahoo – provided by of Olivia Putnal.
Test your perception with these wild designs
Below are images that actually plays tricks on your mind. You are actually looking at still images.
However, because your mind can only register so much, you see the illusion of moving elements:
Flowing Leaves
The brown leaf shapes against a green background make this look as if the entire group is flowing—making waves if you focus on the picture as a whole. Photo from Flickr
Pulsing Vortex
If you stare at this one long enough you’ll notice a fast and pulsing multicolored vortex. Photo from Flickr
The blue almond-shaped objects look as if they’re all passing over three separate columns. Photo from Flickr
Although this image is comprised of simple purple and green squares outlined in black, it looks like it is bulging out in the center. Photo from Flickr
KaleidoscopesA collection of black, blue, green and white shapes appears to be five different kaleidoscope-type figures—each swirling toward their centers. Photo from Flickr
The black and white circular lines make this illusion seem as if there are various depths in the image, creating different entryways and tunnels. Photo courtesy of Paco Calvino
If you stare at the center of the image, it looks as if the outer rings are rotating in alternating directions—an effect meant to mesmerize the viewer. Photo courtesy of Todd A. Carpenter
These bright purple and green star-like shapes appear to be moving, which can be a little nauseating if you stare at it for too long. Photo courtesy of Angie Armstrong