iPad Mobile Phones

Mobile Connections To Reach 5.6 Billion in 2011

mobile phone growthThe explosive growth of data consumption globally is only going to get worse, or better, depending on how you look at it from mobile phone carriers perspective.

Worse for those who carriers who can’t keep up with the growth, because who’s going to stick around with a carrier when their mobile phone can’t get online, right?

And better for the carriers that can keep up and deliver a smooth, fluid experience for users with fast access to data via mobile devices.  The growth of smartphone sales and tablets like the iPad are only going to increase.  And the carrier that can keep up and deliver the best service, well… they’ll win!

According to market research firm Gartner on Thursday, mobile data connections will reach 5.6 billion this year compared to 5 billion in 2010, driving global revenue from mobile data up 22.5% from the $257 billion earned last year.

via BGR

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