
Don’t Be Invisible: How to Optimize Your Website for SEO (and Be Seen!)

We’re a curious society, at least enough that we complete 3.5 billion searches per day on Google. That’s just Google. There are many other search engines like Yelp and Bing that provide us daily answers to our questions, too.

Out of those 3.5 billion searches, there’s a percentage specifically related to your product, service, or business. 

With the right search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, you can direct those searches straight to your website. As a result, you can increase website traffic, sales, and your company’s visibility.

Discover how to optimize website content and boost your visibility with these five optimization tips!

1. Conquer Your Keywords

An effective SEO strategy starts with the keywords. 

In addition to Google’s Keyword Planner, you can also use Google Trends to see which search terms are currently popular.

Then, insert your keyword in page titles, URLs, headers, and within the page content. Make sure not to stuff the page with your keyword, though. 

Write the keyword into the content naturally, while still making the keyword relevant to that page’s content. 

Once you have the page set up and the content written, it’s time to optimize organic search metadata.

Basically, this is the text Google will display on their search pages. Insert your keyword in the SEO title and meta description. Then you’re good to go!

2. Make Sure It’s All Picture Perfect

In addition to placing your keyword within the page content, you should also include it within images.

While many people know how to optimize website text, they sometimes skip over this step. To optimize images for SEO, make sure your keyword is included in the image title, alt text, and description. 

When Google crawls your site, it looks for your keyword in the page text and imagery. That way, Google will know your content is relevant to that search term.

3. Link It Up

We’re not quite done with your page content yet. Use internal and external links to boost your ranking.

Backlinks are a big ranking factor for Google, so don’t leave them out! 

Not sure if these SEO strategies are right for your company? Check out these advantages of SEO for small businesses.

4. Get Social

Another way to improve your search engine optimization is to share your pages and posts on social media.

Social sharing leads new visitors to your website, which shows Google your content is unique, relevant, and gaining attention. 

Share on social media to give engagement and visibility a strategic boost!

5. Make it Mobile

Make your website Google-friendly by going mobile-friendly, too.

Google prioritizes mobile websites when deciding rankings, especially since mobile audiences are now dominating searches.

To optimize your mobile website, don’t forget page speed and responsiveness.

Sites like RDB Design are great for learning how to optimize website content with constantly updated strategies. 

How to Optimize Website Content

Now that you know how to optimize website content, you can boost your website’s reach—and your sales! 

For more helpful optimization tips, check out the SEO section of our blog.

Happy optimizing!

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