
Blogger Adds Pages

blogger buzzSince it’s inception, Blogger has been missing one critical feature – the ability to create pages.  This one feature, in my opinion, set the stage for WordPress to gain huge momentum early on as a “preferred” blogging platform for millions of bloggers.  But as of yesterday, that all changes.  Google announced that Blogger now has the ability to create pages!

From Blogger Buzz:

“This feature lets you easily publish static information on stand-alone pages. For example, you can create an About This Blog page that discusses the evolution of your blog, or a Contact Me page that provides directions, a phone number, and a map to your location.

Once your page is published, you can link to it from the new Pageswidget. The Pages widget lets you add links to your pages as tabs at the top of your blog, or as links in your blog’s sidebar.

In the Pages widget, you can decide which pages will be linked and in what order they will appear. You can also choose whether you want new pages to appear automatically in the Pages widget by checking or unchecking the box to the left of Add new Pages by default.”

From the perspective of “competition” with WordPress, the ability to create pages in Blogger is going to make it a much more appealing blogging platform for millions of users.  I believe that the primary reason people will choose Blogger over the WordPress hosted blogging platform is the because of the cost of having your own (unique) domain on your blog.

With WordPress, you have to pay an annual fee of $10 (last I checked anyway…). and with Blogger, you can set up your own domain for free.

So what do you think about the new and improved Blogger where you can now create pages?

Do you think this is going to increase Blogger’s competitive position with WordPress?

2 replies on “Blogger Adds Pages”

It will be very hard to beat WordPress with all of the amazing Plug-in features, SEO capabilities and design features. I am sticking with WordPress for the moment! It will be fun to watch!

Hi Eileen – I agree, WordPress offers a superior product because of their plugins and ability for customization. But I have to admit that Blogger allowing pages is a great starting point for them to start playing the catch up game.

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