
Vera Baker And Barack Obama Affair, What To Think?

Vera Baker And Barack Obama Affair, What To Think?

vera baker barack obama affair image1

The Barack Obama affair rumors are bound to explode today as allegations are leaking that the President had an affair with a woman named Vera Baker.

These rumors were started by The National Enquirer and supposedly are confirmed by a limo driver who was taking Vera Baker to the same hotel that Barack Obama was staying in.

The speculation has grown to such a degree that organizations who would love to see this all come crashing down on Barack Obama are supposedly offering $1 million dollars to anyone who can provide substantial evidence confirming the affair.

With this news breaking from The National Enquirer you have to be a bit skeptical right from the beginning. The National Enquirer has a reputation for spreading rumors that are less than legitimate and stories that are fabricated simply for the purpose of providing “juicy gossip”.

What do you think?

So what do you think about the news breaking about a potential Barack Obama and Vera Baker affair?

Do you think that Barack Obama actually had this affair with Vera Baker?

If the rumors end up being true, what level of fall out do you think we’ll see regarding Barack Obama’s presidency?

234 replies on “Vera Baker And Barack Obama Affair, What To Think?”

only in the same way that one thousand monkeys at typewriters may occasionally spell a word correctly

I suppose all of you who are so convinced that this story is true also believe the various stories The Enquirer has claimed about the Palins? This includes an alleged affair Sarah had as well as the allegation that she faked her pregnancy with Trig to cover up for Bristol.

You can't have it both ways.

The Enquirer gets some things right but it also gets a lot of things wrong. It has settled many lawsuits based on false claims. That they have published this story, hardly proves anything.

And, for the record, there have long been rumors of a well-kept secret among the Washington press corps that George H. Bush had a long time affair before becoming president. I'm also sure you are aware that adultery happens on the left and the right, so I'd be careful about that moral high ground you're standing on. It may not be quite as firm as you think.

Oh and try to use critical thinking once it a while…it's good for you.

Well said Independent Thinker! If we assume that the Enquirer is spot on, then boths sides are even!

The article (such as it is) neglects to say that it was Enquirer that broke the reptilian John Edwards love-child story.

Even if true, Democrats will view it as a "positive". BHO: "I did not have s*x with that woman, Ms. Baker.

They have also lost sevaral law suits. Carol Burnett successfully proved that they were wrong about their accusations that she was drunk.

Just remember, The Enquirer broke the story about the Breck Boy's affair and love child. Obama's apologists will come to his support just like Rahm and the Forehead did for Clinton. Poster girl Nancy will disavow any knowledge. Harry, the Snake, Reid will condemn the activity in an effort to bolster his reelection campaign. Limbaugh and Hannity will say, "I told you so." The scandalously apathetic American public will do nothing as usual. Arizona and Texas will secede and begin bussing all illegal immigrants to San Francisco.

No. Drudge Report was. (I think he hasdaccess to information that Newsweek was too timid to publish.)

The Drudge Report is a stujpid blog, hardly a real source of information and National Enquirer is hardly a
real news source. It's but another attempt of Rupert Mucdoch to smear an honorable man. It's total fiction.

They sure got the Edwards affair right. And they were the only ones that stayed with the story! when I think of Obama, I think of a man that takes being tyrannical, narcissistic, egotistical, self absorbed to a whole new level. Oh yea, he would have no problem cheating, it is his "right"….just like it was Tiger's right to all his ho's.

Yes, he is as tyrannical, narcissistic, egotistical, self absorbed ((get Bin Laden dead or alive) as boooosh; did that bother you?

If he did it, I see no impact. He’ll deny it despite the evidence (I’m assuming for the sake of argument that evidence exists) and Congress/the media will do/say nothing — even less than was done to Bill Clinton.

He is absolutely guilty. The Enquirer got it right on the John Edwards affair. The Enquirer has not been wrong on a major story for years. Although a tabloid, the reporting is on the money.

haha, it's wishful thinking from an Obama hater. This "Obama affair" garbage is like waving a juicy red steak in front of a starving dog!

Did they get this one right?

or this one?

or this one?

or this one?

Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. Just asking.

If they had the evidence already, why offer up $1,000,000. Sounds like they are just looking for a story where there isn't one. They can buy one if the price is high enough. How much did they pay that limo driver?

At least he hasn't gone back to his "male" buddies. obama is what he is…a big-time political mistake!

Who cares? I would rather have someone capable of effecting reasonable national policies (like our current president) than a reformed, born again christian who goes bombing random countries.

Like TRS said, surprised it's not a dude. Crack buddy. Michelle will put an a*s whuppin on his skinny ass!

Yeah, but if he did it then it needs to be exposed. It shows that he cannot be trusted, just like his Uncle Billy back in the 90's

Cheating is wrong. Bungling the budget is nationally devastating. Mortgage foreclosures and job losses are killing the American dream for many good families. The criminal scam artists and Barney Franks should be ashamed of their corruption and greed. America needs to vote Republican and cut this deficit and halve big govt. and lower taxes. Maybe Huckabee’s fair tax would be a good start. Repeal Obamacare. Stop 200+committees and irs collectors. Things need a 180. Everyone is a bad corrupt, bribed politician, particularly in Dem. DC.Americans deserve better.Lies do not correct bad decisions.I am so tired of corruption.

Yeah, but if he did it then it needs to be exposed. It shows that he cannot be trusted, just like his Uncle Billy back in the 90's

How the hell is this racist…white men have had affairs…CLINTON, EDWARDS, that idiot from SC, can't remember his name…and lets not forget SPITZER…..hmmmm……3 dems, 3 southerners, a republican a few christians and a jew…bet you didn't come to their defense….is it because they're not the righ racek…me thinks I smell a racist….and its you!

Wasn't it the Enquirer that broke the Tiger Woods affair. I think the Enquirer gets a bad rap when people claim they make up these stories. You can bet your sweet bippie that CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, etc. are not out doing any investigative work. They are sitting back waiting for Barry to tell them what to say next. And if he hasn't got any words of wisdom, they go to the unions and other progressive leftist.

Maybe Barry will invite Michelle and Vera to have a beer together in the Rose Garden in an effort to smooth things over.

Obama has been able to hide his birth certificate and college records, blocking a security tape should be a snap.

Actually the daily mail did a story on this in October of 2008. One month before the election. The media is corrupt and dropped the ball. The media puppets are lawyers, not journalist, just like your politicians. To hell with them and God Bless the American People.

Perhaps this whole oil spill in the gulf was ordered by H to distract the American People away from the story of his affair with Ms. Baker?

I did not have s*xual relations with that woman, Miss Baker. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the illegal aliens.

And not a single illegal alien would be able to swim across the vast expanse that is the crack of Michelle's ass.

It is not only that the National Enquirer covered the Edwards affair and the Lewinsky affair early, and had it right from the beginning. It is also that the MSM never recognized those stories. Now, compare the issues: Edwards misled donors to his campaign, his wife misled donors, Edwards used campaign funds to ensconce his mistress in a hideaway – these are real crimes. Where was the MSM? Clinton was impeached for perjury,not Lewisnsky. Would the MSM have let Bush commit perjury without headlines screaming for his impeachment? Several CEOs and other lesser politicians have lost their position for less lecherous activities than Clinton. But what did the NYT do in February of 2008? They ran a front-page 'expose' of a McCain affair that didn't happen, and they sheepishly pulled back from that story when it was exposed as a fraud immediately after. Did they spend a fraction of that energy exposing any of BHO's past? Do we know any more about the questions that still linger about him? No. Sadness at the passing of what used to be journalism in this country is tempered by the fact that the death of the MSM is a willful, malicious suicide.

Maybe that's why he hasn't had time to go to the Gulf to see the worst environmental disaster in history! Maybe he's working on the cover up.

OMG, you are too funny. You're right about Dingy Harry, if it turns out to be true he will totally turn on Obozo to make himself look better. I'm from Texas, which is where all my family is (I live in Montana) and my mother says there are still rumblings that Texas might secede but personally I don't think they will really do it but I wish they would. Even though the general public never seems to care about our public officials having affairs, if this turns out to be true I think enough folks are totally fed up with President Huessein(even ones that voted for him) that an affair might do him in for good. Michele will probably do as Hillary did and stand by her guy.

Correct spelling would help your cause…. Oh look!! the race card!! What a suprise…. enjoy your koolaide

Your lame attack shows you have no logical argument. Please drop the racist card. It will not work.

I cannot believe you would write that! Obama cheating on his wife goes to his character–it shows him to be a liar, a dishonest person, selfish, rude, a pig, and well, a rotten human being. If he would lie to his own wife and children, then he would have no problem lying to the American people. I cannot believe I have to spell this out for you.

Bottom line is that he is a liar. We have known he was a liar since before the election.

I think this will be his Monica Lewinski moment. Ironically it won't be his policies that bring him down, it will be a woman.

I think this will be his Monica Lewinski moment. Ironically it won't be his policies that bring him down, it will be a woman.

That's what we have now The Enquirer breaks yet another story while the MSM giggle and continue to sip the purple cool-aid.
We are living in a world where the men in Black know where to look for REAL news.
Just another nail in the coffin of MSM that has enough nails in it to keep the MSM down for good.

That's what we have now The Enquirer breaks yet another story while the MSM giggle and continue to sip the purple cool-aid.
We are living in a world where the men in Black know where to look for REAL news.
Just another nail in the coffin of MSM that has enough nails in it to keep the MSM down for good.

Your right about that and for two million dollars you can get a tape or a person to disappear.
All BO has to do is deny it.
I hope for his sake he didn't do it but considering his arrogance I don't put it past him.
It's kind of sad too that obamas enemies would offer money in order to try and destroy him.
I mean I don't like him nor did I vote for him but in matters of personal indiscretion I draw the line.

I am sure Obama cheated many times. He is not a saint. He has opportunities, money, power and arrogance. Why should democrats be unsmeared? That is their chosen weapon. Personal indiscretions of 30 years or more or just lies have been told about Republicans many, many times. . I personally heard Sarah Palin smeared by 4 democrat door knockers. None this year so far. I guess the economy is so bad the volunteers are not able to afford gas and food and enthusiasm for awful policies and crazy spending with future taxes already bubbling out. Think of the world economy. You will be reduced to $7000 per person or per family? I guess your lack of electricity, good food, clean water and absolutely no luxuries and stand in line to be denied medical care may be bad changes. After all you are too sick or too old or not productive enough. Think about these restrictive socialist agenda items. Supplies are limited and you are not important enough to be on Obama’s czar list. A balanced budget is a must. Smaller govt., lower taxes, and more freedom not less. We need better changes in 2010 and 2012.This administration is terrible. America vote Republican. Stop the dollar devaluation. Stop the corruption and out of sight trillions of deficits and debts. It is so wrong. We deserve better common sense and money sense.This is not right.

Your right about that and for two million dollars you can get a tape or a person to disappear.
All BO has to do is deny it.
I hope for his sake he didn't do it but considering his arrogance I don't put it past him.
It's kind of sad too that obamas enemies would offer money in order to try and destroy him.
I mean I don't like him nor did I vote for him but in matters of personal indiscretion I draw the line.

I haven't seen one comment, except this one, that says anything about race. If libs never brought up race the subject would fade away. But they don't because the libs need race bating to further their agenda and keep their voting base dumb, down and dependent. Next time I want your opinion, I'll give it to you, idiot.

I haven't seen one comment, except this one, that says anything about race. If libs never brought up race the subject would fade away. But they don't because the libs need race bating to further their agenda and keep their voting base dumb, down and dependent. Next time I want your opinion, I'll give it to you, idiot.

heck, for a million dollars I will testify that he slept with this woman in our guest room. We got our kids college loans to pay off.

Being honest – why does it matter? It's not going to affect how good he is as a president, and honestly, if he was less famous and in the public eye we wouldn't care.

You're right Heather! If he was just shuckin' and jivin', and shinin' up my wingtips, I wouldn't care! You're f**king brilliant!

Maybe that's why he hasn't had time to go to the Gulf to see the worst environmental disaster in history! Maybe he's working on the cover up.

fried fish and hushpuppies go well with beer. They can then stroll out in the new veggie garden together. Michele probably hasn't been out there in awhile. Not sure the Rose Garden is even there anymore. Michele has probably let the weeds take over. She doesn't strike me as being the gardening type. Maybe Vera is.

fried fish and hushpuppies go well with beer. They can then stroll out in the new veggie garden together. Michele probably hasn't been out there in awhile. Not sure the Rose Garden is even there anymore. Michele has probably let the weeds take over. She doesn't strike me as being the gardening type. Maybe Vera is.

First Lady or Vera. I'd take Vera anytime. The First Lady will cut off O's nutsack and feed to the dogs. O will have no balls lfet. He is done.

First Lady or Vera. I'd take Vera anytime. The First Lady will cut off O's nutsack and feed to the dogs. O will have no balls lfet. He is done.

I could care less about his affair. The scandal is if she has a NO SHOW tax payer paid job that he's paying her off with. I would feel better with the Mafia running the white house, at least they have some ethics. OBAMA HAS NONE.

If this rumor had popped up about Bush (remember the cocaine rumor?) the MSM would have been screaming for answers. Not for their chosen one though, eh? They will just dig up dirt on whoever is making the accusation, hound him with the IRS and claim he is the villain. Liberal playbook page 332 subsection 2-C

It was not a "cocaine rumor". G.W. was a known alcoholic and cocaine user. The "MSM" p***yfooted around that AND his military desertion. The difference with President Obama is that he is being held to a much higher standard than his predecessors. Good luck with this "affair rumor". (to use your own avoidance technique)

There were rumors about W affairs…including with Condi.

And there was a whole lot more evidence of Bush cocaine use than there is about an alleged Obama affair…depending on who you want to believe, of course.

Of course it's true. Does anyone actually think that this snake-oil salesman is above this level of debauchery? Michelle won't do anything now to upset this once in a lifetime life style, but when Fantasyland ends B.O. will definitely be singing Soprano to that old time favorite, "She Got The Gold Mine and I Got The Shaft". Couldn't happen to a nicer un-American couple!

Of course it's true. Does anyone actually think that this snake-oil salesman is above this level of debauchery? Michelle won't do anything now to upset this once in a lifetime life style, but when Fantasyland ends B.O. will definitely be singing Soprano to that old time favorite, "She Got The Gold Mine and I Got The Shaft". Couldn't happen to a nicer un-American couple!

First Lewinsky/Clinton then Edwards, it seems that the Enquirer has a successful history of excelling where the NYT, MSNBC and CNN won’t go!!

This should be enough to flip the few remaining independents who put Mac Daddy into office.

Obama is a democrat, so it's absolutely plausible that he had (has?) s*x affairs and lies about it. Way to go Clinton & Edwards!

(sarcasm follows) But at least he was cheating with a black woman — if it was a white chick, then he would really be in trouble (he'd lose half the black vote overnight — the female half!)

Obama is a democrat, so it's absolutely plausible that he had (has?) s*x affairs and lies about it. Way to go Clinton & Edwards!

(sarcasm follows) But at least he was cheating with a black woman — if it was a white chick, then he would really be in trouble (he'd lose half the black vote overnight — the female half!)

I can not blame Obama in the least.

Michelle has gigantic mack truck-like a*s and tits that would embarrass a mouse.

Imagine waking up to that and all of it attached to the nastiest looking mush since Leona Helmsley?

I can not blame Obama in the least.

Michelle has gigantic mack truck-like a*s and tits that would embarrass a mouse.

Imagine waking up to that and all of it attached to the nastiest looking mush since Leona Helmsley?

I would rather eat Helen Thomas's snatch than shake hands with that horror Michelle.

Obama is well within his rights to bang that babe.

If it is true, I guarantee you that you will never hear the truth and will be left with ????????

Obama is glad to spend as much money of yours as possibile to keep his sheets clearn.

I don't like Obama. I'm old enough and have seen/herd enough to know a crook when he opens his pretty mouth. I didn't vote for hm and do hope that the voters save this country from him before it's too late, if it is not already. However, with that said, I really give Obama more credit. He's shrewd, calculating, smart like a fix. I will be very dissapointed in his ability to hide and lie and get away with it. He has so far. And of course then there's the race division that will yell that it has something to do with being black, those who yell it doesn't matter and those that say it does. Here we go again. Clinton embarassement Part II

If it is true, I guarantee you that you will never hear the truth and will be left with ????????

Obama is glad to spend as much money of yours as possibile to keep his sheets clearn.

I don't like Obama. I'm old enough and have seen/herd enough to know a crook when he opens his pretty mouth. I didn't vote for hm and do hope that the voters save this country from him before it's too late, if it is not already. However, with that said, I really give Obama more credit. He's shrewd, calculating, smart like a fix. I will be very dissapointed in his ability to hide and lie and get away with it. He has so far. And of course then there's the race division that will yell that it has something to do with being black, those who yell it doesn't matter and those that say it does. Here we go again. Clinton embarassement Part II

it is completely legitimate. until a birth certificate is shown where the raised seal can be felt all "birthers" have a completely legitimate claim. all obama has to do is have robert gibbs pass it around a press briefing and the story is over. the fact that he cant just simply produce one only makes it seem that the birthers are correct.

WHO CARES!!! Of course he cheats, all politicians and men of power cheat – why is anyone surprised? To expect presidents, politicians, athletes, celebrities, etc…to not cheat – is simply naive and ridiculous. These men (Obama, Tiger Woods, David Letterman, etc…) are surrounded by gorgeous and willing women throwing themselves constantly at them – how many times can these men say NO, without eventually caving in? Get real – it's just s*x.In Europe, it's not a scandal when politicians cheat – they actually flaunt it.

I totally agree with the other comments. Also, if you think BO is a "good" President, (how good he is…) Scotty beam me up because I don't want to see what a "bad" President is

I agree completely.

If he lied to his wife, the one person in the world that he can trust and love, then I have no doubt he would lie to the american public.

Has nothing to do with the color of his skin, and everything to do with his character.

I agree completely.

If he lied to his wife, the one person in the world that he can trust and love, then I have no doubt he would lie to the american public.

Has nothing to do with the color of his skin, and everything to do with his character.


Whose God are you referring to. Barack Obama is a muslim and we don't share the same God. My God is the only true God.

oh Dog mmm i mean Deb which God are you refering to? your response should be directed to LUCIFFER damn keep God out of this fithy conversation.!!

Perhaps the Times Square bomb scare is the true deterant.Think about it. It didn't go off,Thank God.It's a major shake you up story….Perfect timing.PERFECT DETERANT.

I think this lying and cheating is a liberal thing. The leader of the Liberals in Canada, had a two year affair, then left his wife and children for her, then abandoned his family all together, not seeing his kids except for the occasional phone call for six years (they were 8 & 11 yrs at the time). Liberals see no wrong in that. They think it's s*xy and kind of cool. Liberals have blinders on when it comes to victims of any stripe.

YAW YAW and the conservatives like young boys in leather. What's up with all of this political party bias anyways? I know half of you mother f**kers talking all of this shit don't even vote. Political party bias is like a self inflicted mental disorder. It all but destroys objectivity and renders one incapable of forming a meaningful intelligent opinion of their own. It's like walking into a room and nailing your foot to the floor. It puts serious limitations on ones abilities to see different perspectives. Trust me. All politicians are slimy, no good, self serving criminal degenerates. Both Clintons, both Bushes, Obama and 99% of the shit heads in Congress are totally corrupt and totally useless CORPORATE property. I hate to break the bad news to all of you but the Conservative/liberal thing serves only the power elite. As long as we are all blaming each other and pointing fingers at the "other side" they get away with robbing us blind. As long as this goes on we will never rid our selfs of the true cause of our miseries. Turn off the TV.

The story is most likely true but my hunch is the entire affair was done as an attempt to make Obama look straight. Besides Michelle and Vera do we know of ANY other woman is Obama's entire life? Old girl friends? Pre-marital affairs? Nothing.

All of you are racist. White people cannot stand a black women in power. F–K off, fat a*s white b***hes can't stand a well put together black woman. White hoes you are the dog bark bi–h.

Go figure, another you all are racist comment.
So tell me when blacks speak badly against a white person for something they ay have done wrong make them racist? Im betting your answer no……
Surely black people cant be racist !!
What makes blacks more racist than whites is the fact you all will use the race card for anything. Even if its not a race issue, just like now. Youll use it for further gain.
The race card has long been over played and worn out. White people arent falling for that anymore.

Yes, Good point independent Rage… Ms. Vera had a good reason to be at Barry's hotel room at 3AM, without even a toothbrush. I am sure Michele Obama would find it all very innocent. Ms. Vera is now living in the Caribbean and on the payroll of some Chicago benefactor, all very innocent I am sure. And yes, John Edwards appearance in the motel with his denied love child was just a pure coincidence. And if not for Monica protecting herself by keeping the blue dress, there would have been no evidence to prove Bill "the finger shaker" Clinton that he did in fact have s*x with "That woman."

Obama is an expert at hiding his past. He hides documents like nobody else. But it appears that he slipped up here with the limo driver and now we have Ms. Vera living in the islands. I just hope for her sake she goes public before the Chicago gang comes down and takes her deep sea fishing.

What was that 1-on-1 couple therapy in the jungles of NC for? Michelle was ringing O's bell? No kids? Diamond ring? But Hussien can have multiple wives, can't he? How many virgins will he get for blowing up America?

Wow – you anti-Obama freaks are like the people who stop at accidents – not to help, but in hopes of seeing something awful happen to another human. You all are practically salivating with the hope that you can witness someone suffering. If only you knew how low-class you all appear behaving this way.

I don't think you all even care if it's true, you're emotional investment here isn't to the truth, it's to bringing down someone you don't like. And why don't you like him? Because you guys are such sore losers. You lost the election, there's a black man in the presidency, so you're just praying for something bad to happen to him so you can crow, "I told you so".

Try getting a real life – it's so much more satisfying.

Get off the black thing. If McCain was black I still would of voted for him. Some people don't care about the race they have their political views and stand behind them. I am a Republican and very proud my parents are Democrats and I was raised that way but as an adult I changed. As far as the affair I so hope it is not true even though I don't agree with his political stand I do think he and Michelle are an adorable couple and fantastic parents. I hope for his family's sake this is just another one of those garbage media rumors. Hey they don't just go after blacks or democrats I think the Bush family and the Palin family have gotten allot of stuff too and Sarah Palin was accused of having an affair. I think we are all adults and can think like an adult ad stop all this childish sterotyping crap. Last I looked we all breathe the same air, eat the same, dress, the same, raise families, love the same, and so on.

If it did pan out to be true and prove that our president and the man you apparently worship is a liar for about everything hes does or has done which we all know he is, then we will be waiting for your apology…

The Enquirer pegged John Edwards, Gary Hart, and Bill Clinton correctly. It sounds like this website (social media seo) is trying to cover up for Obama. You know Obama did Baker. Baker is hot and Michelle is a pig. Obama is just another liberal Democratic politician who is completely full of himself and you know he was tapping that ass. Get over yourself.

haha, it's wishful thinking from an Obama hater. This "Obama affair" garbage is like waving a juicy red steak in front of a starving dog!

Hope and Change (I hope they can change that security tape before Michelle my belle sees it).

The Enquirer is not reporting as fact that an affair occurred. Instead, the Enquirer is basically raising the suggestion that an affair might or could have occurred, based on little more than the fact that two people were at the same place at the same time (and, by the way, she had a reason to be there since she was apparently a very important campaign aid in 2004). I may agree with very few of Obama's policies, but this is very flimsy stuff, as I blogged about last night on The Independent Rage.

people are so dumb her name isnt vera baker, that is an alias her real name is irene schwoeffermann. no wonder obama isnt bothered cos they have the wrong name. she is also anti white as well even though she has a white mother show me your friends and i will show who you the way she lives in washington dc i believe he was with her the day of the fake soccer game

I would be more inclined to believe that Obama was involved in the cover-up of the murder of his g*y friend, Donald Young. It's no secret that the community organizer likes to polish a rocket once-in-a-while.

I suppose all of you who are so convinced that this story is true also believe the various stories The Enquirer has claimed about the Palins? This includes an alleged affair Sarah had as well as the allegation that she faked her pregnancy with Trig to cover up for Bristol.

You can't have it both ways.

The Enquirer gets some things right but it also gets a lot of things wrong. It has settled many lawsuits based on false claims. That they have published this story, hardly proves anything.

And, for the record, there have long been rumors of a well-kept secret among the Washington press corps that George H. Bush had a long time affair before becoming president. I'm also sure you are aware that adultery happens on the left and the right, so I'd be careful about that moral high ground you're standing on. It may not be quite as firm as you think.

Oh and try to use critical thinking once it a while…it's good for you.

That photo is of Irene Schwoeffermann. I love that idiots like this can spread rumors without even having their facts right. Its not news if you're copy and pasting others lies.

OMG — and here I was thinking that these stories about Sarah Palin must be lies.

The Enquirer would never make anything up about a prominent politician, not even Sarah Palin!

I'm glad that's settled.

First of all I am white and I think Michelle is a very attractive woman and carries herself very well. I love how she is to her children. As far as an affair I don’t care if you are purple it is not acceptable and no man or woman who have children should ever do such a thing to their children. Whe you choose to be in politics, acting, etc you know up front that you will be in the media eye so you should carry yourself in a manor that people admire. If this is true shame on him for doing this to his family. I feel more sorry for the children because they will hear of all of this. This also goes back that we can never look up to someone because normally they will let us down. I thought he was a great family man (I don’t like his political stand) but I don’t like my parents political stand and I still love them so just because you don’t agree does not mean you HATE! I just sure hope this is not true and his family doesn’t have to go thru the embarrassment. Also shame on you for sterotyping all white woman, as you know no matter color, political thoughts, etc. we are all different and not the same.

First of all, the picture you have posted here is NOT of Vera Baker. Second, this is all a bunch of crap. I have known Vera for 25 years and I know for a FACT that this is all UNTRUE!!!

Peolpes this was SIX YEARS ago DID I SAY SIX plus years ago .

Before he was ever an US SENATOR .

ITS NOT LIKE THIS JUST HAPPEN : i understand its not right even if the story is true .
i am sure if its true the first lady has given him his lumps up side his head already.

so let it go..

yup, I believe it. He isn't special and not above any other guy. I think they will all abuse their power when they think with what is btween their legs

Why would we think he would be true to his wife. He has not kept his word on anything.He is cheating our country and his wife and children.

i dont know why everyone is denying this. cheating on our wife is a right of passage in the democrat party. barry just put a bag on that booger and make sure she swallowed. dont want any stained dresses!

So wrong, how can u promote cheating because of the way his wife looks. So does that go both ways? Can she cheat and it be okay, afterall he cheated first.

@Laurie Wow this coming from a woman. Where have our morALS gone. Let’s see if you feel the same if your husband cheats.

@Tracey Now was all of that cussing nesessary? Always having to play the race card. Dont you get tired of the same old speech, i know I do and I am not white?

Seems to me that unless it is your mate sleeping around — what concern is it to the American Public? Good lawrd, isn't there enough going on in the world to keep the American people interested? American's spend more time and energy following the latest tabloids of s*x scandals than they do following the news that really impacts their daily lives.

Do you blame him? He is married to a "planet of the apes" female. He needs a nice piece of a*s once in a while and i'm not an Obama fan.

I could care less. His marital issues are his wife’s problem.. Just fix this damn economy… and leave my guns alone!!!!

obama is a narcissist, self loving and with tunnel vision when he wants something, so i have been expecting an affair since the campaign for president. there were a couple of times on airplanes when he could be seen making serious eyes and body language toward a specific female reporter. i don't know about this baker girl, but i actually made a $500 wager with my father in law during the pres campaign, that obama would be outed for an affair by 2012, and he would have to admit it. lastly, i strongly disagree with those that say an affair by the president doesn't affect his job – not true, because it's an issue of ethics, morals, and he has state secrets that other countries would love to get him to talk about over a naked girl. also, when you get married, you take an oath, and make a covenant with your spouse, who is the closest person in the entire world to you – when you break that covenant with the closest person on earth to you, what does that show you'll do in regards to your promises to the citizens that deserve a real leader that keeps his word???

I can not believe that anybody would confuse the National Enquirer as being a reputable news source. It is a trash
rag. Yes, it sometimes gets trashy stories right but it has also had to pay bigtime when it reported lies. Let us not confuse this piece of trash with real journalism. Surely people aren't that desperate to make up crap about the President of the United States. Are we a racist nation or just a bunch of trashy people?

Yeah, put a picture of ANYONE staring at another picture of anyone and they're obviously in love. You liars are ruining our country.

Obama would be a saint not to fall for at least one of the many women craving for him all over the world. Guys accross the aisle hadly get such attention so we don’t know how they would react. I just don’t think he is that saintly to resist these women for ever.

….What?! A brotha with a ho on the side…say it isn’t true…let’s ask Bill Clinton, oh wait, let’s ask Al Shartpton, oh wait…let’s ask Jess, (I got a bun in the oven too) ” Jackson…..

After reading online about obama and the bath houses in chicago I am not sure. However he could most certainly like both s*xes.

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