Gen. David Petraeus Faints During Senate Hearingg

According to the New York Times, General David H. Petraeus got sick during a Senate testimony on Capital Hill and had to be rushed out of the Senate hearing.
(Source: – The commander of American forces in the Middle East, Gen. David H. Petraeus, appeared to swoon or faint briefly during an intense period of questioning by senators Tuesday on whether the military can fulfill President Obama’s orders to begin pulling troops from Afghanistan in July of next year.
Gen. David H. Petraeus was surrounded by staff after appearing to faint briefly on Tuesday while testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
General Petraeus, a long-distance runner, pitched forward toward the microphone where he was seated, and was escorted from the Senate hearing room as the session was adjourned by Sen. Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee.
Senator Levin announced a few minutes later that General Petraeus appeared to be feeling better, and was eating and drinking water.
General David Petraeus returned about 30 minutes later and was greeted with applause from those in the audience.
3 replies on “Gen. David Petraeus Faints During Senate Hearing”
Wow…maybe he hadn't had enough to eat? That's just strange.