An ex-wife dragged a Flordia man behind a truck for a half a mile before he escaped, reports the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. The ex-wife used a stun gun to incapacitate the man and then hog-tied him to her truck’s bumper.

The man, named Robert Hall, 54, went into a surgical care unit on Thursday at the Halifax Health Medical Center in Daytona Beach. He is being treated for a broken pelvis, brain bleeding, and broken facial bones.
Reports claim the attack took place in New Smyrna Beach, a Florida resort town, where Hall often stayed in the home of his ex-wife, Jeanette Morris, 61, when she was away working as a truck driver. The attack came about when Morris suspected Hall of letting his girlfriend into the house.
Hall had asked the local sheriff department to supply a deputy to escort his girlfriend out of the house. When Morris said she was not coming home, instead going to her brother’s, the deputy left the house.
But Morris didn’t go to her brother’s place. Instead, Morris, her brother, and a woman named Joan Hobart began drinking vodka with Hall. Some drinks into the night the three turned on Hall, shocked him three times, punched him, put a gun against his head, and then tied him up.
The three then tied him to the bumped and dragged him down the road for half a mile. After the truck stopped, they threw him in the truck’s bed, shaved some of his hair off, and talked of scalping and burying Hall in a large hole.
As the truck took off again, Hall leaped out of the truck bed and ran for help. Now, Morris, her brother, and the woman named Hobart are all charged with attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, false imprisonment, aggravated battery and aggravated assault.