
7 Tips for Building Great Android Apps

A lot of mobile phones use the Google-developed Android platform. Specifically, there are 2.5 billion active Android users every month. In just 11 years, Android mobile operating systems have come to make up 85 percent of the global market. With these kinds of numbers, it is no wonder bright developers are rushing to create Android apps and become part of this huge worldwide phenomenon. Here are six suggestions for creating outstanding Android apps users will enjoy.

Get the Proper Tools

To build excellent apps for Android, you need to be able to program the platform. The tool that lets you do this is a software called an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE. The most popular IDE is made by Google itself and is called Android Studio. From this software, you can enter code and review any mistakes or omissions. This IDE also helps with design and lets you test your app.

You also will need to download Java Development Kit in order to use Android Studio. Java interprets and organizes your code.

Enjoy Creating

Making a good app is a creative process. Your IDE will guide you through specifics, and Android Studio will help you develop a winning layout. If you have ever used Dreamweaver to design web pages, you will appreciate the previews Android Studio provides so you will know how your app will look.

You will also get to choose between numerous widgets to personalize your app and help it do exactly what you want.

Stay Atop Trends

To create an app that users want, you need to understand what they expect from an app. These expectations change as quickly as technology advances, so you should make industry knowledge and popular preferences an ongoing study. Use previously successful themes to come up with fresh new takes to win users and good reviews.

Test Your App

Be sure to run a test so you can review how your app works. Android Studio will run it for you quickly and easily with a built-in emulator. This way you can see how it looks and operates from a user’s point of view and make any necessary adjustments to create a better user experience.

Expect the Unexpected

Technology is fast-paced, fickle, intricate, and complex. Problems happen. Apps crash. Prepare yourself for the inevitable, and develop a plan for dealing with bugs. Integrate error tracking into your design to help you stay on top of your app’s operation on the open market. By understanding what is causing problems, you can revise your current design and learn how to build better apps.

Connect With Users

Users appreciate being listened to, and they value respect. To gain loyalty and most importantly, trust, ask for user feedback and pay attention when it comes. By doing this, you become a stronger designer who makes a better product.


Building compelling apps is a complex process that takes time. Studying books and hints from experienced designers can help you better understand various programming features and precise steps. As with other worthwhile pursuits, though, you get better by doing rather than simply studying. So practice. Play around. Have fun. You may not be able to turn out a sensational app in a day when you first decide you want to design, but you can begin learning the process and acquiring the tools you need. Creativity is fluid, and you discover your own creative personality by doing.

Successful Android App Building

With Android having such a huge role in the global mobile platform stage, you can tap into this market and do what you love by creating well-designed Android apps. By taking some specific steps and following a few suggestions, you can design great apps that appeal to users and have fun. Successful app building is a process, but with practice, you will learn better design processes and also enjoy connecting with your users.

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