So you may have read my 4 Easy Steps To Claim Your Business In Facebook Places, which is great if your place already exists in Facebook Places… right? I realized – duh, what if someone’s business, location, or “place”, doesn’t yet exist in Facebook Places? 5 Easy Steps To Adding Your Location To Facebook Places: […]
Category: Business
Yesterday I wrote a “How To” on claiming your business in the new Facebook Places. The only problem is, I failed to verify those procedures before I wrote the article. So when I went to a location to try to claim it, or at least see the “Is this your business?” link, via my iPhone, […]
When it comes to online advertising, the tried and true method has always been text and image display advertising – think Google Adwords text and banner ads. But the web is evolving and so are the ads that display throughout the content network. With faster broadband internet connections, not only are people able to surf […]
The dynamics of online marketing for local businesses is changing – actually for any business, product, or brand. It use to be where you had a website, and you’d spend a lot of time and money building links (think traditional SEO) to get top rankings in Google search. But let me ask you something… has […]
It just keeps getting better for the local business scene regarding social media marketing. First you had Google Places, a platform upon which local businesses could leverage Google search via desktops and mobile phones to get top rankings in search results. Then you got Facebook Places and Facebook Deals, both of which allow local businesses […]
The strategies that you’ll read about below have been discovered from my persistent optimization and analytic split testing over time, but also from my discussions with the Google Adsense team directly on strategies for this blog. My point is that these strategies are not gibberish that I’ve read off some cheesy “how to make money” […]
I live very close to a Wal Mart Supercenter, and last night my wife had me run to pick up a couple of things for breakfast this morning. After I put the bananas, orange juice, and raspberry danish in my shopping cart, I headed over to the electronics to see if the iPad was on […]