
Business & Finance Get The Highest CPM For Online Advertising (Chart)

As an Adsense publisher, I’ve often asked the question “what type of content has the highest earning potential?” I’m sure all publishers have asked this same question. Yet the answer has always been a bit elusive since there isn’t any solid Adsense data telling you outright what categories are more profitable as a publisher. Today, […]

Facebook Technology

Growing Your Church, Facebook Places, & Free Coffee

Ok – my head is exploding with this idea so I’m typing really fast just to get it all out (overlook grammatical errors). If you go to church, or you are a church leader, and you are looking for ways to leverage technology to grow your church, then this might be an idea for you […]


Rich Media (Video) Ads Drive Higher Purchase Intent

When it comes to online advertising, the tried and true method has always been text and image display advertising – think Google Adwords text and banner ads. But the web is evolving and so are the ads that display throughout the content network. With faster broadband internet connections, not only are people able to surf […]


3 Steps To Effective Use Of Social Media For Your Business

The dynamics of online marketing for local businesses is changing – actually for any business, product, or brand. It use to be where you had a website, and you’d spend a lot of time and money building links (think traditional SEO) to get top rankings in Google search. But let me ask you something… has […]


10 Most Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Daniel Offer writes, Daniel is the owner of Chit Chat – a Facebook IM. Chit Chat is a Facebook messenger that makes it possible to chat online with Facebook from your desktop. Social media is a wonderful tool for marketing your business or product but, like any tool, it can be used incorrectly or ineffectively. Listed […]


Google Announces “Boost”, Enhanced Local Advertising for Business

Google is in hot pursuit of the virtually unlimited local business advertising market. Of course, there has always been Google Adwords available for local business owners. And then came along Google Places, which is free advertising platform where local business owners can “claim” their local business and have it appear on Google Maps search results […]


Craigslist Will Earn $36 Million From Prostitution in 2010

Ever wonder how Craigslist makes money? How about this year (2010), Craigslist is on track to earn $36 million from their “Adult Services” section – formerly known as “Erotic Services”. Simply put, this is prostitution. $36 million is roughly 30% of the $99 million in profits that Craigslist will earn in 2010. The “Erotic Services” […]